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Two flicks

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  • Two flicks

    Hey folks,

    Great forum here, exactly what I'm looking for lol

    Ok so There are two movies I've been trying to figure out, I used to watch them on occasion when I was little...

    1st Movie -

    The best I can remember is that a father dies and leaves his wife and kids behind then he is resurrected as a vaccum cleaner or some kind of house hold machine and only the kids know about him until later in the film when the mother discovers him.

    2nd Movie -

    Sort of like Dark Crystal but there was real life actors in it as well as puppets. I remember a puppet digging up from the center of the earth and then later on he finds a man in a garage or a carpark. The man stops and realizes theres something behind him but when he turns around the puppet shoots around quickly to the other side.

    Thats all I remember of both movies, Im guess last 70s or early 80s though I really cant be sure.

    Any ideas?


  • #2
    Re: Two flicks

    No idea on first one
    Second one - Labyrinth ?


    • #3
      Re: Two flicks

      Upworld/A Gnome Named Gnorm?

      Haven't seen it, but it's the only thing I can think of that fits.

      A Gnome Named Gnorm (1990)


      • #4
        Re: Two flicks

        Yes! I can tell even just by the cover thats it! Thanks, you have no idea how long I've been looking for that lol


        • #5
          Re: Two flicks

          nice one Derek!



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          • #6
            Re: Two flicks

            Crazy part is that you can't buy a DVD of it, but Amazon offer a repro poster!

            There weren't too many gnome movies - I can remember wanting to see this when it came out, only for it to be off the radar.


            • #7
              Re: Two flicks

              The video is for sale here UP WORLD RARE Anthony Michael Hall VIDEO VHS on eBay, also, Videos VHS, DVD, Film TV (end time 14-May-09 15:24:19 BST)

              Is this the one where the gnome calls people wearing sunglasses "No eyes"?


              • #8
                Re: Two flicks

                Theres a spanish video up on youtube, its pretty funny "KABOOM!"

                I cant put up the link because Youtube is being screwy at the moment but a quick search will find it...

                Amazing its not on dvd.


                • #9
                  Re: Two flicks

                  I found the first movie

                  And You thought your Parents were weird (1991)

                  YouTube - And You Thought Your Parents Were Weird! Trailer

