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Bruce Li

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  • Bruce Li

    Bruce Li was my favourite actor growing up in the 1980's...His movies were bizarre and I guess most people would say why not Bruce Lee and go for a 3rd class imitation....I guess it's because his films remind me of trawling round video libraries in the '80's, selecting 3 films and twisting my parents arms for another round of below par kung fu drivel with "that bloke who thinks he's Bruce Lee".....The fella always seemed to get a slating but you could guarantee most of his films were "out" if you went to the video favourites are:

    Bruce Lee Against Supermen (sublime, laughable, bizarre but no other film like it)

    The Return Of The Tiger (quite a good kung fu thriller although still plenty of jumping backwards into the tops of 80 ft trees etc)

    Bruce Lee:The Man, The Myth (Absolutely NOT based on the life of Bruce could tell the producers had grand aspirations that this movie was going to be a "box office hit", the heavy handed seriousness of it all, the spooky soundtrack, bizarre training sequences, appalling dubbing etc, blatant unintentional racism that is just hilarious, height of 1970's fashion being worn in scenes set in 1956!)

    The Dragon Dies Hard (speeded up fighting, more jumping into trees, the "Ghost" of Bruce Lee etc..)

    Good old Bruce Li and Inter Ocean Video.