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bbc drama about youth hostel/homeless shelter circa 1990/1991

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  • bbc drama about youth hostel/homeless shelter circa 1990/1991

    hi everyone,i was hoping someone could help me identify a bbc drama I remember watching roughly 20 years ago.i remember it being on,on a Friday night,approximately 9pm,and I think it was a 2 part drama,or a mini series,but I cant remember if it was on bbc1 or bbc2.the problem is a lot of the details are very hazy now after 20yrs,coz I only saw it once,and haven't seen it since,so some of the details might be slightly wrong.its set in England,possibly London(not certain about that).and its about 2 teenage runaways who frequent this hostel/shelter.i think basically its a gritty tragic romantic drama,about a teenage boy(white)and a teenage girl(also white).but I can only remember these 4 scenes..........................
    SCENE 1;the girl takes the boy back to the home,she ran away from.i cant remember if she went back to steal money or collect her things,but her father/stepfather arrives home and there an altercation between the 3 of them before the teenagers escape.i think the girl is being abused by the stepfather which is why she ran away.
    SCENE 2;i cant remember much about this scene,but what I do remember is the boy in a greasy spoon café,sitting at a table with a scruffy looking man(probably a homeless man)possibly in his 20s.i cant remember why but the boy suddenly stabs the other guy in the hand with a fork,then leaves.
    SCENE 3;the girl and boy are out on the street at night,when suddenly the aforementioned scuffy guy and his mates surround them with the intention of raping the girl.the girl makes some kind of quip about finding the guys willy,if they both look hard enough.i cant remember how the scene ends.
    SCENE 4;the boy arrives at the shelter looking for the girl,but the staff wont let him in.the shelter has an intercom buzzer and camera,which he keeps pressing,trying to get in,but for some reason they wont let him in.the boy picks up a bottle and smashes it.the boy picks up the glass and threatens to cut his own throat with it.but the staff don't take him seriously.the boy then puts the glass against his neck and cuts his throat.the staff see what happened and rush down the stairs to help him,but its too late by the time they get there.
    and basically that's all I can remember.hopefully ive jogged someones memory and they can tell me what its called