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Uncertain show,70's.

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  • #16
    Re: Uncertain show,70's.

    Look and read had mini drama's in them,I remember the one with Peep Peep the space boy in it,and another later one.......THE KINGS DRAGON.I would love to see The Kings Dragon again.I can remember the golden dragon shaped arm band/jewel.It is one of the programs I am mulling over as the possible program.I now have Raven DVD on order so I will soon hopefully be able to eliminate that from my search,but what I remember of it it now seems unlikely as the candidate for this program.

    Thinking about what you said about something being taken from and having to be returned to the hill/tomb sounds about right.Got vauge images of them trying to hide it or keep it hidden.It was almost as if the hill or the sleepers under it had a hold on whoever held the item.I get images of inside of the tomb,skulls staring back out at one of the boys in the program.Very intense and disturbing for a young viewer,probably why that image stuck with me.


    • #17
      Re: Uncertain show,70's.

      Still thinking about this program and still have not had much luck.One book crossed my mind called The weirdstone of Brisingamen.
      Has this been adapted for tv or imported for showing on UK tv?
      It seems to have very close ties with what I remember in places.Just another idea.

