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  • #16

    Anyone remember mambo's? used to call them jubbly's round here, frozen orange juice in a triangular pack, and one side was juicier than the other! They were heaven and stopped me getting very overheated back in the hot summers of 75 and 76! Used to love kola kubes and pineapple chunks and also little green apple sweets, adorable!


    • #17
      I remember jubbly lollies, they used to fall out of the packet once they had melted a bit. Does anyone remember the super hero lollies, I think they were cola flavoured and had white plastic sticks in the shape of super heroes like Superman. I also liked the haunted house lollies, a bit like a mini milk but when you licked it you got a haunted picture on the front, like a spider web or ghost.


      • #18
        oh sweets!I choked many times on Spangles. I loved lemon bon bons,strawberry bon bons,sweet peanuts,rhubard & custard,pineapple chunks, cola cubes,strawberries and cream,rainbow drops ( white choc buttons with hundreds and thousands on them)
        no wonder I had to have 7 of my baby teeth out at 7 and 10 fillings by the time i was 21!


        • #19
          oh and if we went to granny and grandads they always gave us a mint imperial!


          • #20
            my gran&grandad used to have rosie apples
            kernow bys vyken


            • #21
              My Nan kept murray mints in business and Foxs Glacier fruits.....I still have a weak spot for them..can U buy them still?
              If eight out of ten cats prefer whiskas, do the other two shave or wax?


              • #22
                You can still get Glacier Fruits, they do them in my local Tescos, not sure about Murray Mints tho?


                • #23
                  mmm...glacier fruits
                  Growing old is inevitable but growing up is optional


                  • #24
                    "never hurry a murray..they`re too good to hurry!" remember the ad?

                    not sure if you can still get them tho`. will have a look at dee bees next time we go,they have alot of retro sweets there. oh I`ll have a look in our local shop hes quite olde worlde and sells old-fashioned sweets.I`ll let you know soon!


                    • #25
                      There are loads of good online sweet shops. that sell all the old sweets and stuff you thought you could no longer buy. (I get my floral gum fix this way). Here's a good site which lists the best of them as a directory and is easy to link to the stores:


                      • #26
                        The 10p mix up/10p mixture

                        Remember when 10p could get you a bag full of goodies? I'm trying to remember what wonderful things were in the legendary mix ups of yore.

                        Pink shrimps, yellow bananas, white mice, cola bottles, foam mushrooms, chocolate footballs, chocolates in a foil cup, those little packets of sweets that looked like bricks, jelly dummies, liquorice torpedos, jelly beans, jelly babies, jelly snakes, vampire teeth, flying saucers, a lolly, bubble gum (remember you were always asked if you wanted bubble gum? Why were so many of us not allowed it?)...anything else???
                        1976 Vintage


                        • #27
                          Re: The 10p mix up

                          fruit salads, black jacks, mojo's, gob stoppers, bazooka bubble gum, anglo bubble gum, foam strawberries, chocolate buttons (milk & white) with hundreds and thousands on top (can't remember what they're called) drumstick lollies, pink piggies, golf balls (chewing gum)........just a few that spring to mind and make my mouth water at the thought!!!! :-)


                          • #28
                            Re: The 10p mix up

                            Oh and what about the fizzy sherbet crystals that came in short (and long) waxed paper straws with each end flattened/crimped to keep the contents in. The straw was scored so it would peel down/round like a spiral to eat the contents. If you were clever and didn't 'wet' the end you could keep the straw whole (as kids we used to have competitions of who could eat it without wetting it - harder than you think!)


                            • #29
                              Re: The 10p mix up/10p mixture

                              Also, I remember a plastic ice cream cone, in beige plastic filled with fizzy sherbert and capped by a hard top of pink or white hard candy that kept the sherbert inside this realistic looking cone, perhaps 5 inches long? Used to last for ages and was found in the 10p mix - but that is all you got for 10p - this cone?

                              Swizzels Matlow company comes to mind? 1979 memory here.


                              • #30
                                Re: The 10p mix up/10p mixture

                                I don't know if this is a real memory or not, but I am pretty sure that once a friend had a sweet that was like a real shell with red jelly in it. It looked like a limpet shell filled with jelly on the concave side. I can't imagine it was a real shell. Can somebody put me right? I never saw them apart from the one she had. Perhaps she made it herself!
                                1976 Vintage

