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Father Ted

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  • #31
    Re: Father Ted

    that would be an ecumenical matter


    • #32
      Re: Father Ted

      one bit i love is when they are on the plane and ted says to dougal i like you and dougal says who are you saying that about and ted says you i just said it to you and ted gets angry.


      • #33
        Re: Father Ted

        Yes i love Father Ted, so many great scenes. Its quite similar to Fawlty Towers as in the situations they get themselves in, but still very original with great characters and genuine hilarious moments that have stood the test of time. I bought the box set and it reminded me how great it is.


        • #34
          Re: Father Ted

          Father Ted was far better than Faulty Towers - people go on and on about it being 'genius' which it certainly wasn't. At least Father Ted was funny, surreal and didn't try to be anything but enjoyable fun.

          My favourite episode was when Ted had to kick Bishop Brennan up the ****!



          • #35
            Re: Father Ted

            yes i love both equally.

            the cast for father ted was perfect and i mean for the other priests and characters you see.

            i thought father stone was a good laugh.
            he just talks in the same tone and depresses everyone.

            his parents are some crack especially his dad.
            wouldnt it better if he had been killed.

            Originally posted by pazuzu View Post
            Yes i love Father Ted, so many great scenes. Its quite similar to Fawlty Towers as in the situations they get themselves in, but still very original with great characters and genuine hilarious moments that have stood the test of time. I bought the box set and it reminded me how great it is.


            • #36
              Re: Father Ted

              No.. No.. No

              I used to love Father Ted, but having seen them so many times now, they are not funny anymore.
              The depth of character is just too shallow.. thick priest, silly priest, drunk priest, annoying priest..etc, etc,etc

              No way you can compare them to Fawlty Towers, which, everytime I watch, some 30+ years on, and know every scene and line... is just comedy gold
              Last edited by sixtyten; 04-08-2012, 00:24.


              • #37
                Re: Father Ted

                I'm probably guilty of watching FT too many times. The writers mention in the script book that most of the regulars apart from Ted were fairly 1 dimensional, which was one of the reasons they ended after 3 series, though the 2nd & 3rd had more episodes (10 & 8) than a normal British sitcom (6/7).
                The Trickster On The Roof


                • #38
                  Re: Father Ted

                  Originally posted by sixtyten View Post
                  No.. No.. No

                  I used to love Father Ted, but having seen them so many times now, they are not funny anymore.
                  The depth of character is just too shallow.. thick priest, silly priest, drunk priest, annoying priest..etc, etc,etc

                  No way you can compare them to Fawlty Towers, which, everytime I watch, some 30+ years on, and know every scene and line... is just comedy gold
                  Having watched all of the Teds repeatedly I agree - you don't laugh as much, unless your in the mood to - so I don't watch them on repeat on More 4 anymore unless I feel like it but I still feel it was far more funnier than Cleese's Towers - that programme just makes me feel sick and gets me agitated - I really cannot see why it has become so revered. Even Cleese's A Fish Called Wanda is far more funnier and cleverer than Faulty for that film, Cleese has never really achieve the same success since...


                  • #39
                    I hate fawlty towers, but my husband loves it, and life of Brian etc. I've never liked any of it.

                    I do love father ted, I'm glad my mum told me to watch it.


                    • #40
                      Re: Father Ted

                      when where you first told about father ted N.T.
                      Hard to believe its 95 when it started.

                      its a show that no matter how much i watch it i still find it so funny.

                      its not just the main cast who are funny its others like tom,mary and john, and the other priests you see once in a while.
                      for exmple father stack,the dancing priest,noel furlong.

                      Originally posted by nuttytigger View Post
                      I hate fawlty towers, but my husband loves it, and life of Brian etc. I've never liked any of it.

                      I do love father ted, I'm glad my mum told me to watch it.
                      Last edited by darren; 04-08-2012, 14:58.
                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • #41
                        I think it was after the first few episodes, i'd have been 10 or 11.


                        • #42
                          Re: Father Ted

                          Best sitcom ever. Father Ted never stops being funny for me, if anything it gets funnier with every viewing. One of the show's main strengths is that it had such a great cast of supporting characters played by great actors, alongside the main regulars. So many one-shot characters like Father Stone and Father Barty Dunne (The Laughing Priest) are just as well-loved by both hardened and casual fans of the show as the main cast are.

                          Fawlty Towers is great too, but Father Ted just beats it IMO. They have Tedfest every February in Ireland, it's expensive but looks great fun, I've been meaning to go for years!


                          • #43
                            Re: Father Ted

                            you where to young to watch it mate with the colourful language.
                            id not have let u if i was your daddy.hehe.

                            hey blitzkid.

                            yes it had a great supporting cast and one off characters like father stack, bishop brennan,larry duff,miss dineen,dick byrne.

                            dont know who they found such great actors to play them.
                            but they did it super well.

                            i hope there are no rabbits here i hate them.hehe

                            Originally posted by nuttytigger View Post
                            I think it was after the first few episodes, i'd have been 10 or 11.
                            FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                            • #44
                              Re: Father Ted

                              To be honest the swearing was pretty minimal. I just had a look at the dvd's and the bbfc rates them at 15. Compare it to something like Bo' Selecta which was also a 15 bbfc rating and you'd notice there was quite a gulf with the language. I think the Office was a 15 rating as well. I think the ratings are pretty stupid.


                              • #45
                                Re: Father Ted

                                hey sly yes u are correct there is not to much bad language im always shocked whemn i watch it i always imagine there is more than there is.
                                a certain swear word they use an E instead of U.

                                Originally posted by Sly View Post
                                To be honest the swearing was pretty minimal. I just had a look at the dvd's and the bbfc rates them at 15. Compare it to something like Bo' Selecta which was also a 15 bbfc rating and you'd notice there was quite a gulf with the language. I think the Office was a 15 rating as well. I think the ratings are pretty stupid.
                                FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

