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more new laws

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  • #31
    Re: more new laws

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    I would love to give up a car for public transport,but I have to wait a long time before I get my bus pass
    Not to mention that you need to be somewhere which actually has buses, and which go to the places you want at suitable times. The government can bleat all it wants about people using public transport, but in many rural areas it simply isn't available and a car is the only practical alternative.

    Why dont councils use the money that is collected in parking fines speeding fines etc by investing that money into repairing pot holes etc
    What, and have to do without the mayor's second Rolls-Royce, scrap their "diversity" courses, Common Purpose courses, and "fact-finding" missions (in February, of course) to The Bahamas?


    • #32
      Re: more new laws

      It is disgusting that the energy companies have the gaul to put up prices yet again and by 8%,more people have said I cant afford to put my heating on,one lady was crying on the phone on the Jeremy Vine show.They just dont care if they kill us off with worry and stress


      • #33
        Re: more new laws

        i totally agree amethyst i hate putting my gas heating on it seams as it just eats what ever i put in meters ive got double rads in each room now i just give it a blast hour be4 go bed and same b4 i get up every time i check meter i have to top up goverment dont see these things think of the well off ppl all the time why carnt they just leave things alone every thing so expensive but wages never go up
        rant over lol


        • #34
          Re: more new laws

          Can't disagree with any of the above. The price increases in recent years are out of all proportion, and I know when looking back at my utility bills a couple of years ago I realized that the rates had more than doubled in the space of about 6 to 7 years. So much for "official" inflation figures!

          Part of the blame must lie squarely with government meddling by way of its "green" initiatives, which in reality are nothing of the sort but which are pushing energy prices through the roof.


          • #35
            Re: more new laws

            A lot of people I have spoken said they are refusing to put their heating on,they would rather put on extra clothing,to try and keep warm,plenty of hot soups stews boiled in a pan is a way to keep warm,even lights will be switched off to save on bills with a lot of folk,dont think we will be seeing houses lit up like blackpool this christmas.Pray that we have a mild winter and not the opposite


            • #36
              Re: more new laws

              same here mate lots off ppl in my street said not puttin much xmas lights up this year its sad to think ppl are doing this just because our lovely goverment want us all suffer
              Originally posted by amethyst View Post
              A lot of people I have spoken said they are refusing to put their heating on,they would rather put on extra clothing,to try and keep warm,plenty of hot soups stews boiled in a pan is a way to keep warm,even lights will be switched off to save on bills with a lot of folk,dont think we will be seeing houses lit up like blackpool this christmas.Pray that we have a mild winter and not the opposite


              • #37
                Re: more new laws

                My old place isn't especially well insulated and has storage heaters throughout, so would be horrendously expensive to heat properly throughout during the winter. The last few years, I just heat the couple of rooms I'm using all the time and keep the doors closed on the rest. The wall heater in the bathroom serves for washing and shaving on chilly mornings, and the kitchen just gets warmed up with cooking. If I were staying here I'd want to improve the insulation and install central heating, but as usual it comes down to money (or lack thereof). At least this year I have the consolation that with a move imminent this will be my last winter here, and all being well not even the full winter.


                • #38
                  Re: more new laws

                  all the best there mate hope all goes well for you

                  Originally posted by PC66 View Post
                  My old place isn't especially well insulated and has storage heaters throughout, so would be horrendously expensive to heat properly throughout during the winter. The last few years, I just heat the couple of rooms I'm using all the time and keep the doors closed on the rest. The wall heater in the bathroom serves for washing and shaving on chilly mornings, and the kitchen just gets warmed up with cooking. If I were staying here I'd want to improve the insulation and install central heating, but as usual it comes down to money (or lack thereof). At least this year I have the consolation that with a move imminent this will be my last winter here, and all being well not even the full winter.


                  • #39
                    Re: more new laws

                    Without wanting to sound too much like Monty Python's "When I were a lad" sketch I'm sure things were a lot worse in the 80s. Bear in mind here we all are, talking on the internet, no doubt with broadband, using the latest ipods, mobiles and laptops etc. In Blackpool in the 80s, you generally worked during the season then signed on the dole all winter. On giro day, my friend Martin and I would spend our money on food for the week and lager ( priorities were an unknown concept to us) and then realise we had no money for the meter. The result was we used to sit in our sleeping bags, and whose bedsit sit we spent the evening in really did depend on who had the longest candle so we could at least see. True story, and whenever I see my friend nowadays we talk about them as though they were the happiest days of our lives lol.


                    • #40
                      Re: more new laws

                      When I was a child growing up in the 60s we had a coal fire which heated up the walls in the house but I cant remember ever freezing,there was no central heating radiators etc just a coal fire with plenty of logs it was lovely and cosy and in them days we had harsh winters snow every year.I would love to have a log burner just to heat up one room in the house now


                      • #41
                        Re: more new laws

                        We too had a coal fire in the 60's. After the coalman had been, it was my job to go out into the streets with a shovel and gather up all the pieces of coal he had dropped. It was a horse drawn cart and not too steady so he used to drop loads. A bit like the rag and bone man, we wont see the likes again sadly.


                        • #42
                          Re: more new laws

                          We still had a coal fire in our small house right through the 1970's, just supplemented by portable electric heaters when necessary (although after an evening of a good fire the bedrooms were generally warm enough from the heat of the bricks in the chimney stack.

                          With rapidly increasing prices of oil for central heating and little availability of mains gas, enclosed wood burning stoves have become very popular in recent years here in rural Norfolk.


                          • #43
                            Re: more new laws

                            when my grandad was alive he always had coal fire and we use to have toast done on it then my parents had a closed door fire which did all the heating the good old days ay but now rip off gas and electric companys tryin there best to make you work all hours to pay the gas bills
                            THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE TRUST NO ONE


                            • #44
                              Re: more new laws

                              Originally posted by xmark1234 View Post
                              when my grandad was alive he always had coal fire and we use to have toast done on it then my parents had a closed door fire which did all the heating the good old days ay but now rip off gas and electric companys tryin there best to make you work all hours to pay the gas bills
                              True enough the good old days were much better now we work longer and harder to feed and pay bills,even the lotto has gone up to £2


                              • #45
                                Re: more new laws

                                yea and i still carnt win a tenner lol

                                Originally posted by amethyst View Post
                                True enough the good old days were much better now we work longer and harder to feed and pay bills,even the lotto has gone up to £2
                                THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE TRUST NO ONE

