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Fox Hunts

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  • Fox Hunts

    Who remembers the CB Fox Hunts?

    One breaker would go and park up in some obscure location. Transmitting for sixty seconds every other minute & all the other breakers would hunt him down and the nearer to the 'strawberry patch/30+ the nearer you are to the fox. Everyone puts say a fiver in the pot & the first to find the fox gets the pot.

    Sometimes the proceeds were donated to a designated charity

    More serious was when we breakers assisted the police for a lost child. Obviously the police wouldn't give us one of their radio's so we gave the police one of ours so we could stay in radio contact the police & us

    One particular occasion we found the lost child first but we wished the police had beaten us to it

    I'll leave the rest for your imagination

    Do you really believe the other side without provocation would launch so many ICBM's, subs and ships knowing that we would have no option to launch as well? It would break our MAD Treaty (Mutually Assured Destruction) not to mention the end of the world as we know it.
