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Hot Wheels Zowees

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  • Hot Wheels Zowees

    Well, these were a memory that had been hiding away for some time (about 38 years to be exact) - Hot Wheels' Zowees! Little themed die-cast cars that were given away in a promotion at Shell petrol stations (in the US and UK at least). I came across these by accident while looking at random old Hot Wheels cars for my son and BAM! that memory just came right out and knocked me for six. I was absolutely crazy for these in '72 when the promo was on and would hassle my dad to go to Shell all the time. I never did get them all (I don't ever remember getting the red light one) but I"m on the trawl for them now - they seem to be pretty easy and cheap(ish) to get. There were some more done for retail a little later on but it's the Shell ones I really remember.

    I can't believe I haven't thought about for all that time. Amazing how memory works.