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Your very petty pet hates

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  • #61
    Re: Your very petty pet hates

    What I call the Microsoft Word generation, British people (mainly under 30's) who were taught the correct spellings of English words at school but insist on using the American spellings such as: color, mom, flavor, favorite and math.

    It really irks me and if i read job applications with American spellings in them they are immediately marked down.
    The only thing to look forward to is the past


    • #62
      Re: Your very petty pet hates

      Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
      Whats 'corollary'?
      A corollary is a statement that follows readily from a previous statement.


      • #63
        Re: Your very petty pet hates

        Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
        A person in a group of friends you in who always seems act the fool when out on the town. You can't do anything about them because they are best friends with one of the group leaders.
        In a way the scenario is similar to parents who believe that their "little angel" can absolutely do no wrong.


        • #64
          Re: Your very petty pet hates

          Teenage girls walking around proudly displaying their Top Shop bought 'Ramones' t.shirts, when you know damn well that if you went up to one of them and ask for their opinion on the 'Rocket to Russia' album, or wasn't it sad when Joey died, they would look at you as if you were an idiot...


          • #65
            Re: Your very petty pet hates

            people who do not say please and thank you.

            rude people.

            peple who cycle on the footpath.

            simon cowell.

            coronation street.

            all this health and safety p.c nonsense.


            • #66
              Re: Your very petty pet hates

              Famous people (or people in general) who flatly deny that they got where they are without the help of their parents. Stella McCartney springs to mind. Average fashion designer and not an easy career to succeed in but funny how she managed to get Naomi Campbell to model in her first fashion show out of university and was successful from the word go!

              Generally I am amazed how many TV celebs are "Son or daughter of X". I don't mind if they are talented or just admit they are riding on coat tails a bit but seriously the ratio is too high. I feel sorry for the others who can't get anywhere because of a lack of connections. I suppose it is the same in most careers.
              1976 Vintage


              • #67
                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                Here's one that I find very perplexing: The same advert run back to back. I've noticed that this occurs too often for it to be just an accident.


                • #68
                  Re: Your very petty pet hates

                  Originally posted by cockneykid1962 View Post
                  Teenage girls walking around proudly displaying their Top Shop bought 'Ramones' t.shirts, when you know damn well that if you went up to one of them and ask for their opinion on the 'Rocket to Russia' album, or wasn't it sad when Joey died, they would look at you as if you were an idiot...
                  I couldn't agree with you more. Also i have seen similar things with 'Sex Pistols' and 'Motorhead' tops.


                  • #69
                    Re: Your very petty pet hates

                    Originally posted by BillySmartsC View Post
                    I couldn't agree with you more. Also i have seen similar things with 'Sex Pistols' and 'Motorhead' tops.
                    Another part of the naff micro celebrity culture that is so prominently highlighted in the gossip mags these days. They will print a photo of some 'famous for fifteen seconds' reality tv contestant in one of these t.shirts (again, undoubtedly ignorant of the band in question) then it becomes a 'must-have' amongst the sheep-like impressionable rabble!

                    Thanks to this I have now covered four more 'petty pet hates' which I have put in bold....I love this forum!


                    • #70
                      Re: Your very petty pet hates

                      Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
                      Here's one that I find very perplexing: The same advert run back to back. I've noticed that this occurs too often for it to be just an accident.
                      oh yes ive seen tis quite a lot and from what i remember it seems to be the same ads over again.
                      really dont like it and whats the reason for it.
                      i think they are trying to get a certain point across.
                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • #71
                        Re: Your very petty pet hates

                        Originally posted by HG View Post
                        What I call the Microsoft Word generation, British people (mainly under 30's) who were taught the correct spellings of English words at school but insist on using the American spellings such as: color, mom, flavor, favorite and math.

                        It really irks me and if I read job applications with American spellings in them they are immediately marked down.
                        This annoys me a lot. Whenever I had to interview I'd tell my secretary to throw away all applications with spelling errors, scribbles and certainly ones that had orders that were disobeyed. I once had a application form come in that had 3 coffee rings on it...

                        Saying that, you'd be amazed at how many 'educated' people buggered up the aptitude test or did something so stupid it bends all logic and reasoning. I think my favourite educated idiot was a guy that went to one of the top Universities in the UK, but couldn't figure out how to work a soft drinks vending machine. This guy could work complex numbers down to 10 decimal places in his head, but he couldn't figure out that putting 50p in a machine and pressing a button got you a Pepsi without screwing it up.


                        • #72
                          Re: Your very petty pet hates

                          Odd isn't it.
                          I used to do pub quizzes with people with degrees in my team, but knew nothing about anything.


                          • #73
                            Re: Your very petty pet hates

                            You cannot buy common sense. That's all there is to it. Same guy didn't know where Bradford was. He lived in Wakefield, which is pretty much the next big city over not counting Leeds. The man was smart, but he was a danger to himself.


                            • #74
                              Re: Your very petty pet hates

                              Originally posted by HG View Post
                              What I call the Microsoft Word generation, British people (mainly under 30's) who were taught the correct spellings of English words at school but insist on using the American spellings such as: color, mom, flavor, favorite and math.

                              It really irks me and if i read job applications with American spellings in them they are immediately marked down.
                              I recall reading a news story several years ago about a 11-year-old girl in Scotland who, as part of a class assignment, wrote a paper about her family holiday to New York where her uncle lived, the problem was that the paper was written entirely in... get ready... TEXTING SHORTHAND! The story went on to explain that unfortunately for many young people texting shorthand is the only form of writing that they're familiar with.


                              • #75
                                Re: Your very petty pet hates

                                Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
                                the paper was written entirely in... get ready... TEXTING SHORTHAND! The story went on to explain that unfortunately for many young people texting shorthand is the only form of writing that they're familiar with.
                                If that is the case then schools and parents are failing children badly.
                                The only thing to look forward to is the past

