Gets my vote as I was too young to bother with Eagle..(and can't include the UK 70's Mighty World of Marvel reprints)
My Faves were Marvel.Never really liked DC comics although I would read them as a kid.As a child I always had a comic to hand,think I must have spent all my pocket money on them
I bought Beezers,Beanos,Dandys,Shiver and Shakes,Krazy, name it I bought it,,(except Bunty)
last ones I recall buying before I got "too old" for them were Starlord and stuff like that..around 1981/2(see edit) didn't really buy anymore until Watchmen came along.apart from 2000ad which I bought from the start.
What were your faves?
edit.just read that Starlord came out in 1978! bloody hell!
What drew me away from comics was the music press,which I started buying in 1977..Sounds,NME,Melody Maker..I bought them all!