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Scarborough Ghost train

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  • Jo,c1979
    Originally posted by Kimma654321 View Post
    I have a memory of the ghost train on the promenade but I can't find any evidence of it ???
    I remember when i was around 7 years old maybe younger me and my mum went on the ghost train and it broke down for a few minutes whilst in the dark and someone spoke on the microphone and told us everything is fine we will fix the issue straight away ... next minute I can feel someone breathing on the back of my neck .... me and my mum turned round and there was a man or something with glowing red eyes rite behind us !!! We both screamed for life and then the train started moving and the entity completely disappeared !!!
    Just posted a clip from YouTube for you.

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  • Jo,c1979
    This shows a clip of the ghost train on this video at about 26 minutes. Lots of footage of Scarborough in the 90's.

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  • Kimma654321
    I have a memory of the ghost train on the promenade but I can't find any evidence of it ???
    I remember when i was around 7 years old maybe younger me and my mum went on the ghost train and it broke down for a few minutes whilst in the dark and someone spoke on the microphone and told us everything is fine we will fix the issue straight away ... next minute I can feel someone breathing on the back of my neck .... me and my mum turned round and there was a man or something with glowing red eyes rite behind us !!! We both screamed for life and then the train started moving and the entity completely disappeared !!!

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  • tex
    Yeah, i remember it...always thought it odd seeing a ghost train which was not part of a funfair and just randomly situated along the prom.

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  • Big Tim
    There was definitely a ghost train on the South Bay at Scarborough, certainly in the mid 1980's through to the early 1990's. It was opposite the Harbour, about half way along the promenade.

    I think it's the premises which is now occupied either by the "Terror Tower" (which is a haunted house over 2 or 3 storeys which you walk around), or the neighbouring one which has one of those "simulator" things where you watch a video while being chucked around inside a pod with up to 15 others as it wobbles from side to side.

    I remember "Marvels" which is mentioned upthread, but cannot remember a ghost train there, although it's probably a ride I didn't go on - I was more into the go-kart track and the chair lifts which took you from Peasholme Park up to the top of the cliffs. I also remember in the early 80's there was a longer run of the chair lifts which went all the way from the North Bay to Scalby Mills, before the days of the Sea Life Centre, when then there was a few rides, pub, cafe etc. We used to go on the miniature railway one way and chair lift the other.
    Last edited by Big Tim; 02-04-2021, 20:59.

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  • Semi42
    I remember taking the kids to a ghost train ride in Scarborough but it was at the top of peasholm park , Marvells.

    the ticket attendant was hilarious , in horror make up , he said in a grim voice “ah, welcome, we’ve been expecting you!” Then breaking character “that’s one fifty please”

    all gone now , just a wasteland

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  • Silver Surfer
    This photo was taken in 1983.
    You may only view thumbnails in this gallery. This gallery has 1 photos.

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  • steve242526
    Re: Scarborough Ghost train

    Only just seen this reply ! Thats brilliant ! The gorilla sounds right ! God knows where I got the green from ! Many thanks for replying to this.

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  • Allwin
    Re: Scarborough Ghost train

    Hi, Steve is it? I'm Dave and yes, I not only remember the ghost train but, I worked on it. The ghost train was at the big arcade just before the end of the promenade, round the corner was the start of the marine drive. It was owned and operated by JH and V Deeks. I rode on this ride when a boy and imagine my delight when I secured a job there, not only running it in the evenings but, actually repairing and maintaining the ride and the effects including the gorilla holding a boulder, as the car passed, the gorilla would lean back and then fall forward to make you think it was going to drop the boulder on you. Happy days!!

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  • steve242526
    started a topic Scarborough Ghost train

    Scarborough Ghost train

    Can anyone remember this ghost train in Scarborough ? I think it was the very early 80's when I went but one memory is that one of the scary things inside was a large green man/monster holding a boulder above his head and bringing it down towards the train. Anyone else recall this ? I also have memories of a sea park there that had dolphins and can remember being called out in front of everyone and one of the dolphins singing Humpty Dumpty !