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Playing 'Two Balls'

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  • Playing 'Two Balls'

    Did anyone else enjoy playing 'Two Balls' on the wall, and remember any songs you sang at that time while playing?.

    I used to like playing, although I don't think my neighbours were too keen with hearing the thumpty thump on their walls.

    One song I can remember singing while throwing the two Tennis Balls..........

    Have a cigarette Sir
    No Sir
    Why Sir
    Because I've got a cold Sir
    Where did you catch the cold Sir
    From the North Pole Sir
    What were you doing there Sir
    Catching a Polar Bear Sir
    How many did you catch Sir
    One Sir, Two Sir, the Third one caught me Sir.

  • #2
    Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

    p k penny a packet
    first you chew it
    then you crack it
    then you stick it up ya jacket
    p k penny a packet


    • #3
      Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

      That's a good one, not heard that before

      I've just remembered another one....

      A sailor went to sea sea sea
      to see what he could see see see
      but all that he could see see see
      was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea


      • #4
        Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

        We used to 'play balls' all the time. I remember loads of little rhymes. We had little actions that we'd do for example 'Plainy' was just bouncing the ball straight off the wall, 'oversy' was throwing it over arm at the wall and catching it. 'bouncy' was bouncing it once. 'dickedy' was dashing it off the ground, then the wall, then catching it. I could go on...
        These actions were used in all the rhymes. Example 'plainy, Irish rhubarb'. Then 'oversy' Irish rhubarb' and so on. Another one was 'plainy at the bus stop'.
        There were longer rhymes too eg 'Plainy marmalade, plainy marmalade, plainy, plainy, plainy, plainy, plainy marmalade'(sounds daft). When we dropped the ball, the other person had a go.


        • #5
          Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

          Lovely memories there ann22, I too remember doing the many actions, and the one where the ball had to be thrown at the wall from under my leg.


          • #6
            Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

            Originally posted by LittleBoo View Post
            Lovely memories there ann22, I too remember doing the many actions, and the one where the ball had to be thrown at the wall from under my leg.
            We called that one 'leggy', then there was 'left leggy'.


            • #7
              Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

              Oh yes, well done, I had forgotten the name for that.


              • #8
                Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

                Yey, two balls! This was huge at my school. Tennis balls were the most coveted for the game but many used those plain rubber balls you could buy everywhere in different colours. I had a huge bag of them. I remember the sailor went to sea song and there were so many others. We sang one about Mother Brown as in 'knees up' but would substitute with one handsy etc.

                Remember getting told off for the endless bumpity bumpity bump on people's walls. I can see now how it must have driven people crackers!
                1976 Vintage


                • #9
                  Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

                  I found tennis balls slightly too big. The ones I remember using most were all colours mixed up the way plasticine looks when you roll all the colours together. I loved the rubbery smell of them. Grand to find a smooth wall without pebble dash or uneven brickwork and that wasn't going to annoy whoever was behind the wall.


                  • #10
                    Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

                    Think I know the type you mean. Were they solid rubber? The ones I used were hollow but the same size as a tennis ball.
                    1976 Vintage


                    • #11
                      Re: Playing 'Two Balls'

                      Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
                      Think I know the type you mean. Were they solid rubber? The ones I used were hollow but the same size as a tennis ball.
                      Yeah I think they were solid rubber alright. I remember the hollow ones too though. I remember getting a new pair of the hollow ones and we were standing in our lines after breaktime at school waiting to go back in to class. We were against the wall so I was sneakily playing with them. The teacher confiscated them to my horror. I went home later in tears and my mam went in to her the next day to ask for them back. The teacher opened her drawer and it was full of balls. She gave my mam a busted pair instead of mine.

