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Remember Remember.

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  • Remember Remember.

    Around this time thirty odd years ago I would have been trawling the streets looking for just about anything that would burn, when we had scoured every ginnel and squeezed between every gap large enough to allow we would start knocking on doors, any wood or furniture you don't want mister, the response was mixed sometimes we would strike gold, well wood to be more accurate usually in the form of an old table or chest of drawers, sometimes we got chased down the street for reasons unknown and on rare occasions no combustibles but sweets or money. when all the wood had been collected and hidden from other less industrious kids we would station ourselves outside the local pub with our guy and try to persuade the patrons to part with a little of there loose change, they were more willing on the way out. then the big day came all the wood was assembled into one impressive bonfire (well we thought so anyway) the money went towards the fireworks, the bonfire was always the main feature the fireworks secondary. and I cant forget the homemade parkin, treacle toffee and spuds hot and blackened from the fire, nothing ever tasted so good. I remember our little bonfire used to draw quite a crowd many bringing there own fireworks and food. the 5th of November to me was second only to Christmas maybe even on a par with, it certainly gave me some of my happiest memories.

  • #2
    Re: Remember Remember.

    yes i would of being doing the same pinching other ppls bonfire wood settin off fireworks oh yea i was a naughty lad in my younger days penny for the guy to buy my fags god i them days have gone now i dont see any body building bonfires or penny for the guys no more the good old days


    • #3
      Re: Remember Remember.

      Is it just me but nobody seems to actually have fireworks just on November 5th anymore. As soon as the shops are selling them in September they are being ignited right up to and including the following New year. Its like any convenient excuse for setting off explosives is a good enough reason. I seriously doubt whether the kids in my area would know what Bonfire night was all about or even bothered. Mind you its probably for the best, seeing as in the early days it was all about Religious intolerance. The original figure that was burned wasn't Guy Fawkes but an effigy of the Pope! Not very PC.


      • #4
        Re: Remember Remember.

        Originally posted by xmark1234 View Post
        yes i would of being doing the same pinching other ppls bonfire wood settin off fireworks oh yea i was a naughty lad in my younger days penny for the guy to buy my fags god i them days have gone now i dont see any body building bonfires or penny for the guys no more the good old days
        Good old days indeed, although you wouldn't have been popular around our way, nicking other peoples supply of wood meant war.


        • #5
          Re: Remember Remember.

          Dont see anyone doing penny for the guy now


          • #6
            Re: Remember Remember.

            Originally posted by amethyst View Post
            Dont see anyone doing penny for the guy now
            A couple of years ago i had two kids knock on my door asking for a penny for the guy, only problem was they didn't have a guy and when asked where it was they hadn't a clue what i was talking about, needless to say they left empty handed.


            • #7
              Re: Remember Remember.

              Originally posted by sweep View Post
              A couple of years ago i had two kids knock on my door asking for a penny for the guy, only problem was they didn't have a guy and when asked where it was they hadn't a clue what i was talking about, needless to say they left empty handed.
              I am suprised they didnt ask for a pound

              There has been a few bangers been set off already this weekend and in the rain too.I find when the clocks go back they start to do this they also make dogs bark


              • #8
                Re: Remember Remember.

                i was a fast runner had lots of practice lol god if i tried do that now id be in intensive care lol
                Originally posted by sweep View Post
                Good old days indeed, although you wouldn't have been popular around our way, nicking other peoples supply of wood meant war.

