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A trip down memory lane

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  • andrec
    I didn't have either of those, but did have a Sinclair ZX81 with its wobbly 16kB RAMpack, an Atari 400, then A C128, the special 1988 Olympics pack. I had so much fun with the C128 and bought loads of games, many in the £1.99/£2.99 budget range or full-price games reduced as they were older.

    Later on I bought an Acorn Electron and used it for university course work in programming, but that wasn't a tenth of the enjoyment I got from the C128.

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  • Rakhel
    I had a Vic20 and later on an Amstrad CPC464. Fast forward 40 odd years and I have recently bought those systems to enjoy again!

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  • zabadak
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    Maybe a leper ?

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    Well he did say business was dropping off...

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zincubus View Post
    maybe a leper ?

    sent from my iphone using tapatalk

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Never recall 'rag & bone " men when I was growing up. The modern version is simply place any old rubbish you want disposed outside your home .. make a call to council and they will be around within the week to remove it.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    We put our broken white dishwasher at the front of our house ... as the guy next door assured us that the scrap dealers would see it and take it away ..

    It was still there a week later ... anyways after we come home from a day out we noticed some smartarse had written in big black ink on the side of the washer ... HOW LONG ??

    I was so annoyed I got a marker pen and wrote on the other side ..

    HOW RUDE !!

    About ten minutes later one of our neighbors .. a 6'5" ex rugby ex police guy was banging on our front door !!!

    Luckily by then I'd phoned a mate with a van to come round for it ...

    So when he said to me .. " so how long !!?? "

    I said "about 20 minutes !! "

    Thankfully he didn't harm me

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  • Zincubus
    A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    There is some guy who comes round my partner's street in an open van, ringing a bell
    Maybe a leper ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    There are a few scrap men I see around near me. I can remember they used to offer to pick up TVs when it was the digital switchover.
    Yeah, scrap men are still a familiar site but rag and bone men have long since gone the way of the dodo. We now have clothes banks sited in supermarket carparks dont we?

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    There is some guy who comes round my partner's street in an open van, ringing a bell - she knows him as the "ting-ting man" - who is the closest thing I've seen to a rag 'n' bone man in recent times (people give him stuff to use or scrap)...
    There are a few scrap men I see around near me. I can remember they used to offer to pick up TVs when it was the digital switchover.

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  • zabadak
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    There is some guy who comes round my partner's street in an open van, ringing a bell - she knows him as the "ting-ting man" - who is the closest thing I've seen to a rag 'n' bone man in recent times (people give him stuff to use or scrap)...

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Who remembers the rag and bone man?....more to the point why was he named rag and bone? for anyone unfamiliar this was a guy who would ride a horse and cart around the streets shouting "RAG/BONE" people would then take out any old clothes in exchange for a balloon or a donkey stone which was used to clean the front doorstep. keen gardeners would shovel up the horseshit for the roses
    Yes !!

    My mum gave me some old clothes or material to give him and I think he gave me some toffees .... I think !?

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Who remembers the rag and bone man?....more to the point why was he named rag and bone? for anyone unfamiliar this was a guy who would ride a horse and cart around the streets shouting "RAG/BONE" people would then take out any old clothes in exchange for a balloon or a donkey stone which was used to clean the front doorstep. keen gardeners would shovel up the horseshit for the roses

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    How bizarre .. my son is still on the Disney payroll as an occasional Disney character in the Florida Disney parks !

    Is wife also plays a rather important Disney character and that's an understatement

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Pity then there were no Disney parks in Australia. After my in store Promo job I went solo flogging myself to whoever wanted to hear me. I did some good stuff at various social functions and made quite a living.. as a single man. Then along came the wife and a reality check.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    What was your first job promotion? I spent several years in my 20s working in sales for a major Sydney department store.. I started floor walking but one day the promotions manager told me he liked my attitude with customers and offered me a job in the upmarket Promo Dept. Wow what a step up from floor sales this turned out to be. I had always fancied myself as a bit of an actor so to get to dress up as various characters.. some Disney cartoon faves.. was a hoot. Tho I did get some ribbing from my mates. In partnership with my characterizations I had a microphone and would go to various depts and spruik away to my heart's content. A spin off of this job was becoming a member of the stores acting troupe..putting on plays not only for store employees but touring plays to various Sydney and beyond locations. They were fun days.
    How bizarre .. my son is still on the Disney payroll as an occasional Disney character in the Florida Disney parks !

    Is wife also plays a rather important Disney character and that's an understatement

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    So Donald the Great was a great Donald!

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