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A trip down memory lane

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    I'm sensing you have a savoury palate ...

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  • zabadak
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    That wasn't proper Dandelion and Burdock then

    Sounds more like Cream Soda ... another dreamy tasting drink

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Dandelion and Burdock was a staple of my childhood. It gradually seemed to disappear in favour of colas and other soft drinks, but happily is still available for its fans if you look round. Never considered it, but I suppose it is something of an unknown quantity outside the British Isles.

    Having extensive woodland on the doorstep, my mates and I would build dens as deep inside the forest as possible to reduce the likelihood of them being found. We would spend hours there, using them as bases from which to explore the surrounding areas. That deep in the forest, we would occasionally spot deer, foxes, rabbits and other animals, though with the noise we would make, most would give us a wide berth.
    Sounds idyllic staffslad.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by zabadak View Post
    My mum once told me she used to drink that when she was a girl. I tried it once and it tasted like used chewing gum!
    That wasn't proper Dandelion and Burdock then

    Sounds more like Cream Soda ... another dreamy tasting drink

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • zabadak
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Dandelion and Burdock was a staple of my childhood. It gradually seemed to disappear in favour of colas and other soft drinks, but happily is still available for its fans if you look round. Never considered it, but I suppose it is something of an unknown quantity outside the British Isles.

    Having extensive woodland on the doorstep, my mates and I would build dens as deep inside the forest as possible to reduce the likelihood of them being found. We would spend hours there, using them as bases from which to explore the surrounding areas. That deep in the forest, we would occasionally spot deer, foxes, rabbits and other animals, though with the noise we would make, most would give us a wide berth.
    My mum once told me she used to drink that when she was a girl. I tried it once and it tasted like used chewing gum!

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    I live close to some woodlands in Worsley, families used to go there in droves walking dogs, kids climbing trees and collecting conkers. I went myself a few months ago and i was the only person there. Seems the woods are now a haven for junkies and underage drinkers so people are staying away.
    Perhaps since the advent of the internet people no longer need to go into the woods to find old jazz mags?

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Dandelion and Burdock was a staple of my childhood. It gradually seemed to disappear in favour of colas and other soft drinks, but happily is still available for its fans if you look round. Never considered it, but I suppose it is something of an unknown quantity outside the British Isles.

    Having extensive woodland on the doorstep, my mates and I would build dens as deep inside the forest as possible to reduce the likelihood of them being found. We would spend hours there, using them as bases from which to explore the surrounding areas. That deep in the forest, we would occasionally spot deer, foxes, rabbits and other animals, though with the noise we would make, most would give us a wide berth.

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  • Arran
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Burdock is a wild plant with two species of Arctium lappa and Arctium minus.

    The fruits of the burdock are small and roughly spherical and covered in small hooks that easily attach to clothing and hair. They provided the inspiration for velcro.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    well dandelion is a weed. Not heard of burdock.
    Pretty sure Burdock and Dandelion are both wild grown plants ...

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    We lived next door to woodland and also a common with woods either side so there was no shortage of places to build Dens when I was a kid.

    Built a few next door, then one in the woods a bit further away across the road, that was inside a big pit, where I also found an old Carlton Racing bike frame (with fancy lugwork) which i took home and my brother used as his bike for many many years.
    We also built one up a tree near the edge of a common and tried to hide it with branches from other trees, except they died and the thing stood out like a sore thumb!

    Dens seem to be making a comeback as we went for a walk with my brother near his house last time we were in the UK and some kids had built a wooden Teepee in the woods there.
    I live close to some woodlands in Worsley, families used to go there in droves walking dogs, kids climbing trees and collecting conkers. I went myself a few months ago and i was the only person there. Seems the woods are now a haven for junkies and underage drinkers so people are staying away.

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    We lived next door to woodland and also a common with woods either side so there was no shortage of places to build Dens when I was a kid.

    Built a few next door, then one in the woods a bit further away across the road, that was inside a big pit, where I also found an old Carlton Racing bike frame (with fancy lugwork) which i took home and my brother used as his bike for many many years.
    We also built one up a tree near the edge of a common and tried to hide it with branches from other trees, except they died and the thing stood out like a sore thumb!

    Dens seem to be making a comeback as we went for a walk with my brother near his house last time we were in the UK and some kids had built a wooden Teepee in the woods there.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    this thread keeps going off topic (please dont post your love for topic choc bars) so who used to build dens as a kid or maybe a tree house
    Dad built my brother and I a tree house in the bush reserve back of our house. Me and mates spent many happy hours up there playing games and looking at nudie pics.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Dandelion and burdock was a popular soft drink in the uk and to some extent it still is, my mam used to tell me it was made from weed juice
    well dandelion is a weed. Not heard of burdock.

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    this thread keeps going off topic (please dont post your love for topic choc bars) so who used to build dens as a kid or maybe a tree house

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    Look very much like a Brazil nut. Are they edible?

    dandelion and burdock. Please enliten me.
    Dandelion and burdock was a popular soft drink in the uk and to some extent it still is, my mam used to tell me it was made from weed juice

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