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A trip down memory lane

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    There was a flower that you plucked the petals saying as you did.. "she loves me.. she loves me not". Most times I finished with the latter. Drat.. unlucky at love....
    Buttercups again I think ..

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    There was a flower that you plucked the petals saying as you did.. "she loves me.. she loves me not". Most times I finished with the latter. Drat.. unlucky at love....

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  • Zincubus
    A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    The thing is that there were no gangs anyway at our school, and I wondered when I got older how the no-gangs rule would have been enforced. I mean, if you were with a few of your friends, would that constitute a gang? Perhaps there had been media stories at the time about bullying, but if there were, I and my friends wouldn't have seen them.
    Oh my lord !!

    That triggered a memory !

    When I was my secondary school, probably (about '72 ) there was one really tough lad in our second year ( aged 13) who was the '****' of the whole school !!!

    Anyways one dinner time he was strutting around the playground with his hangers on and I noticed he was wearing a metal studded belt and metal knuckle dusters !!

    The rumour was that he was fighting the '****' of the neighbouring school at the end of lessons ...

    3:30 came and instead of going home we saw hundreds of lads walking together across the common ... so me and a few others followed them ... think it felt kinda of exiting ...anyways after about 10 minutes walking at the rear of this 'army' we overheard that there was going to be a massive gang war between the two schools ..
    After a few nervous looks and gulps we turned tail and ran home [emoji4]

    They never made it to the other school as both sets of teachers got to hear of the plan and intercepted their own pupils ..

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    Last edited by Zincubus; 15-12-2018, 15:51.

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Richard1978 View Post
    I remember a no gangs rule at primary school, which I think was to stop group bullying.

    The thing is that there were no gangs anyway at our school, and I wondered when I got older how the no-gangs rule would have been enforced. I mean, if you were with a few of your friends, would that constitute a gang? Perhaps there had been media stories at the time about bullying, but if there were, I and my friends wouldn't have seen them.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    Mmmmmm...the Buttercup glow and fancying the other person also rings a bell, but there was as well the likeing butter thing.

    At infants school there were many trees and bushes, and I remember spending many hours of playtime and lunchtime hunting for Cuckoo spit.

    Also at infants school, I remember there was a stern rule that we could not have gangs. I suppose this would have been a few years after mods and rockers, and around the time when skinhead gangs were in the news. Not sure if the teachers thought we were going to riot Brighton-style in the playground.
    I remember a no gangs rule at primary school, which I think was to stop group bullying.

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Mmmmmm...the Buttercup glow and fancying the other person also rings a bell, but there was as well the likeing butter thing.

    At infants school there were many trees and bushes, and I remember spending many hours of playtime and lunchtime hunting for Cuckoo spit.

    Also at infants school, I remember there was a stern rule that we could not have gangs. I suppose this would have been a few years after mods and rockers, and around the time when skinhead gangs were in the news. Not sure if the teachers thought we were going to riot Brighton-style in the playground.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Zincubus View Post
    That's interesting... we had both those over Manchester way ..but the buttercup glow meant you fancied the other person ..

    That said I was rather popular with the girls back then

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    I remember the same at primary school.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by staffslad View Post
    As a child growing up, in summer when buttercups were in flower and it was sunny, we would pick one and hold it under someone's chin. If the buttercup cast a glow on the person's skin then we would say that they like butter.

    Also, we were told not to pick dandelions as if you did it would make you wee the bed--in fact, we called dandelions 'wee the beds'.
    That's interesting... we had both those over Manchester way ..but the buttercup glow meant you fancied the other person ..

    That said I was rather popular with the girls back then

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  • staffslad
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    As a child growing up, in summer when buttercups were in flower and it was sunny, we would pick one and hold it under someone's chin. If the buttercup cast a glow on the person's skin then we would say that they like butter.

    Also, we were told not to pick dandelions as if you did it would make you wee the bed--in fact, we called dandelions 'wee the beds'.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    We have a few Fish Shops here, mostly greek owners. Some do Battered Savs, none do pickled eggs or wallies, some do gravy and you'll find the odd one that does curry sauce.

    Used to love going into our local chippy in the UK as a kid and getting a "bag of scraps", all the batter bits out of the bottom of the fryer in a paper bag.
    Where are you bud ??

    There's a chippy in Lymm ( Lymm Dam) that charges for the fish batter bits !!

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Mulletino View Post
    We have a few Fish Shops here, mostly greek owners. Some do Battered Savs, none do pickled eggs or wallies, some do gravy and you'll find the odd one that does curry sauce.

    Used to love going into our local chippy in the UK as a kid and getting a "bag of scraps", all the batter bits out of the bottom of the fryer in a paper bag.
    Wallies?...Yeah we used to ask for scratchings, bits of fried batter. It was commonplace in the 60s to take your own plate to the chippy, unthinkable now.

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  • Mulletino
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    We have a few Fish Shops here, mostly greek owners. Some do Battered Savs, none do pickled eggs or wallies, some do gravy and you'll find the odd one that does curry sauce.

    Used to love going into our local chippy in the UK as a kid and getting a "bag of scraps", all the batter bits out of the bottom of the fryer in a paper bag.

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  • Donald the Great
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    We had the traditional corner shop Fisho when I was growing up. Most were owned by new Italian or Greek settlers. Dont see them around all that often these days. Most have moved into the shopping arcades. We have crumbed cod and extras every second Friday from the local Fisho.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Do you have Fish and chip shops in Oz Donald?
    Maybe they're like the southerners and never sell gravy in their chip shops !!

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  • tex
    Re: A trip down memory lane

    Originally posted by Donald the Great View Post
    Chippy Tea eh.. sounds mouth watering except for the kidney. You eat tea at 5pm Zinc?
    Do you have Fish and chip shops in Oz Donald?

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