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Radio times listings 1970;s 80's 90's

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    6.00:News Summary; weather

    6.02:Colin Berry

    Producer FRANCES LINE including at
    6.15 Pause for ThoughtContributors

    Producer: Frances Line
    7.02:Terry Wogan

    Producer GEOFFREY MULLIN including at
    8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
    8.45 Pause for ThoughtContributors

    Producer: Geoffrey Mullin
    9.02:Pete Murray's Open House

    Producers ANGELA BOND
    Requests, on postcards please, to: Open House, BBC, London W1A 4WW including at 10.30
    Waggoners' Walk
    (Friday afternoon's broadcast)Contributors

    Producers: Angela Bond
    Unknown: Ann Colvin
    11.30:Jimmy Young

    Producers HARRY WALTERS and COLIN CHANDLERContributors

    Producers: Harry Walters
    Unknown: Colin Chandler
    13.50:Sports Desk

    14.02:David Hamilton

    as Radio 1, but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
    2.45 and 3.45 Sports Desk: including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.30:Waggoners'Walk

    (Repeated: Tuesday 10.30 am) Written by ALAN DOWNER and JILL RYEM
    Milton Monk has changed his tactics and offered both Michelle and Andy jobs in Sheffield; Ginger has started helping Lynn and Matt at the restaurant: and more than one birthday was celebrated at Old Hatch. Cast: page 68Contributors

    Written By: Alan Downer
    Written By: Jill Ryem
    Unknown: Milton Monk
    16.45:Sports Desk

    including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.48:John Dunn

    An afternoon miscellany of words and music
    Including at 5.45 Sports Desk: with news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley.Contributors

    Producers: John Meloy
    18.45:Sports Desk

    A round-up of the day's news. with classified racing results19.02:Pop Score

    A game that adds up to questions of pop and popular music. Popping the questions Pete Murray
    And hoping to score off each other
    Tony Blackburn, Bobby Knutt v
    Terry Wogan , Jack Douglas Compiled and produced by RICHARD WILLCOXContributors

    Unknown: Pete Murray
    Unknown: Bobby Knutt
    Unknown: Terry Wogan
    Unknown: Jack Douglas
    Produced By: Richard Willcox
    19.30:Alan Dell

    7.38 The Dance Band Days
    A selection of British dance band favourites
    8.2 Stereo The Big Band Sound Producer LAWRIE MONK21.02:Humphrey Lyttelton

    with The Best of Jazz on records
    Producer KEITH STEWARTContributors

    Producer: Keith Stewart
    22.02:Sports Desk

    including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley22.06:Star Sound

    A musical look at the world of films.
    ' Which comes first - the words or the music? Neither - the phone call.'
    Sammy Cahn recalls The Story Behind the Song.
    You Asked for It!: a selection of listeners' requests picked from the postbag.
    Introduced by David Bellan Written and compiled by LYN FAIRHURSTContributors

    Unknown: Sammy Cahn
    Introduced By: David Bellan
    23.02:Michael Meech

    1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late Show Producers PAM COX and DENYS JONESContributors

    Unknown: Denys Jones
    0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information



      6.00:as Radio 2

      7.00:Noel Edmonds

      9.00:Simon Bates

      12.00:Paul Burnett

      including this week's new Top 30 discs and at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie MayerContributors

      Unknown: Laurie Mayer
      14.02:David Hamilton

      Also on VHF16.30:It's D.L.T. OK!


      More news with Laurie MayerContributors

      Unknown: Laurie Mayer
      18.02:as Radio 2

      23.00:John Peel

      Also on VHF0.00:* am as Radio 2




        6.00:News Summary; weather

        6.02:Colin Berry

        including al
        6.15 Pause for Thought7.02:Terry Wogan

        including at
        8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
        8.45 Pause for Thought9.02:Pete Murray's Open House

        Requests, on postcards please, to: Open House, BBC, London WIA 4WW including at 10.30
        Waggoners' Walk i.Mon afternoon's broadcast)11.30:Jimmy Young

        13.50:Sports Desk

        14.02:David Hamilton

        as Radio 1, but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
        2.45 and 3.45 Sports Desk: including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.30:Waggoners' Walk

        (Repeated: Wed 10.30 am)16.45:Sports Desk

        including news of the Benson and Hedges tehnis tournament at Wembley16.48:John Dunn

        An afternoon miscellany of words and music including at 5.45 Sports Desk: with news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley18.45:Sports Desk

        19.02:Beat the Record

        Don Davis invites listeners by telephone to join in the national game of naming the tune. 'Prizes for all who know their music.'
        If you would like to play this game, send a postcard giving your name, address and telephone number to: Beat the Record, [address removed]Contributors

        Presenter/Devised by: Don Davis
        Producer: Tony Luke
        19.30:Robin Richmond

        The Organist Entertains
        JA:\ VAN WEELDEN Passage
        Theatre, Schiedam, Holland) BILLY NALLE
        (Senate Theatre, Detroit) CHARLES MCNICOL
        (Plough Inn. Gt Munden) LES NORMAN (Electronic)Contributors

        Unknown: Billy Nalle
        20.02:Ragtime to Rock V Roll

        The story of 60 years of popular music. A 26-week series
        ' Benny Goodman made a quip to me one night and I thought he was trying to be funny, as funny as Benny Goodman can get. He said " What are you trying to do, take over the damn business, you damn singers? '" ' (DICK HAYMES ) IS: There'll Be Some Changes Made
        Kenneth More continues the history of popular music from the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of: PRANKIE LAINE , ROSEMARY CI.OONEY DICK IIAYMES , GUY LOMBARDO SY OLIVER. NEIL HEFTt
        ALEC WILDER , GEORGE T. SIMON and others
        Written by PETER CLAYTON Research by BILL SULLIVAN
        Producer JOHN BILLINGHAMContributors

        Unknown: Benny Goodman
        Unknown: Benny Goodman
        Singers: Dick Haymes
        Unknown: Kenneth More
        Unknown: Prankie Laine
        Unknown: Ooney Dick Iiaymes
        Unknown: Lombardo Sy Oliver.
        Unknown: Neil Heftt
        Unknown: Alec Wilder
        Unknown: George T. Simon
        Written By: Peter Clayton
        Unknown: Bill Sullivan
        21.02:Among Your Souvenirs

        Fragant memories from Victorian and Edwardian times and a little later, with .IEAN GRAYSTON. LESLIE FYSON DUNCAN ROBERTSON *
        Introduced by Alan Keith Producer RORERT BOWMANContributors

        Unknown: Leslie Fyson
        Unknown: Duncan Robertson
        Unknown: Reginald Leopold
        Introduced By: Alan Keith
        Producer: Rorert Bowman
        22.02:Sports Desk

        including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley22.06:BBC Radio Orchestra

        with its guests Robert Farnon and Jackie Trent
        Introduced by Don Moss Producer JOHN BUSSELLContributors

        Unknown: Robert Farnon
        Unknown: Jackie Trent
        Introduced By: Don Moss
        Producer: John Bussell
        23.02:Ruth Cubbin

        1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late Show0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information




          6.00:as Radio 2

          7.00:Noel Edmonds

          9.00:Simon Bates

          12.00:Paul Burnett

          including at 12.39 pm Newsbeat with Richard SkinnerContributors

          Unknown: Richard Skinner
          14.02:David Hamilton

          Also on VHF16.30:It's D.L.T. OK!


          18.02:as Radio 2 (9.02-10.00 as VHF)

          23.00:John Peel

          Also on VHF0.00:* am as Radio 2



            6.00:News Summary; weather

            6.02:Colin Berry

            6.15 Pause for Thought7.02:Terry Wogan

            8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
            8.45 Pause for Thought9.02:Pete Murray's Open House including at 10.30 Waggoners' Walk

            (Tues afternoon's broadcast)11.30:Jimmy Young

            13.50:Sports Desk

            including latest news of the Italy v England match14.02:* 1500111 only (also 202m Scotland) World Cup Special

            Presented by John Helm
            Italy v England
            Exclusive live commentary from Rome by PETER JONES and BRYON BUTLER.Contributors

            Unknown: Peter Jones
            Unknown: Bryon Butler.
            14.02:David Hamilton

            as Radio 1, but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
            3.45 Sports Desk16.30:Waggoners' Walk

            (Repeated: Thursday 10.30 am)16.45:Sports Desk

            16.48:John Dunn

            including at 5.45 Sports Desk18.45:Sports Desk

            19.02:The News Huddlines

            Roy Hudd puts the 'hat' on to Mrs Thatcher with Faith Brown. Chris Emmett and The Nic Rowley Quartet Written by CHRIS MILLER, PETER SPENCE, DAVID RENWICK and others.Contributors

            Unknown: Roy Hudd
            Unknown: Mrs Thatcher
            Unknown: Faith Brown.
            Unknown: Chris Emmett
            Written By: Chris Miller
            Written By: Peter Spence
            Written By: David Renwick
            Producer: John Lloyd
            19.30:A-Pickin' and A-Grinnin'

            Episode 20. Presented by George Hamilton IV
            Written and produced by CHARLES CHILTONContributors

            Presented By: George Hamilton
            Produced By: Charles Chilton
            20.02:Listen to the Band

            with Charlie Chester
            (By permission of the Air Force Board of the Defence Council). Producer JOHN BUSSELLContributors

            Unknown: Charlie Chester
            Unknown: Mander R. E. C. Davies.
            Producer: John Bussell
            20.30:Sing Something Simple

            The Adam Singers
            Producer JOHN BROWELLContributors

            Producer: John Browell
            21.02:World Cup Special

            Presented by Desmond Lynam
            Scotland v Wales
            Exclusive live commentary from Hampden Park by ALAN PARRY and DAVID FRANCEY
            Plus highlights of this afternoon's match between ITALY and ENGLAND, and news of tonight's other World Cup tie, FRANCE against the REPUBLIC OF IRELAND, in Paris.
            (1500m only)Contributors

            Presented By: Desmond Lynam
            Commentary By: Alan Parry
            Commentary By: David Francey
            21.02:Command Performance

            Introduced by Ian Wallace Producer PETER CRISWELLContributors

            Introduced By: Ian Wallace
            Producer: Peter Criswell
            22.02:Sports Desk

            22.06:Alyn Ainsworth

            and the BBC Radio Orchestra
            Songs from Vikki Carr. Red Hurley and The Nolan Sisters Words from Tom Edwards Producer BEVERLEY PHILLIPSContributors

            Producer: Beverley Phillips
            23.02:Don Durbridge

            1500m only (also 202m Scotland), VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late ShowContributors

            Presenter: Don Durbridge
            0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information



            • BBC RADIO 1 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 1976

              6.00:as Radio 2

              7.00:Noel Edmonds

              9.00:Simon Bates

              12.00:Paul Burnett

              including at 12.10 pm Newsbeat with Laurie MayerContributors

              Unknown: Laurie Mayer
              14.02:David Hamilton

              Also on VHF16.30:It's D.L.T. OK!


              More news with Laurie MayerContributors

              Unknown: Laurie Mayer
              18.02:as Radio 2

              23.00:John Peel

              Also on VHF0.00:* am as Radio 2



              • BBC RADIO 2 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 18TH 1976

                6.00:News Summary; weather

                6.02:Colin Berry

                6.15 Pause for Thought7.02:Terry Wogan

                8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
                8.45 Pause for Thought9.02:Pete Murray's Open House including at 10.30 Waggoners' Walk

                11.30:Jimmy Young

                13.50:Sports Desk

                14.02:David Hamilton

                as Radio 1 but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
                2.45 and 3.45 Sports Desk: including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.30:Waggoners' Walk

                (Repeated: Friday 10.30 am)16.45:Sports Desk

                including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.48:John Dunn

                An afternoon miscellany of words and music including at
                5.45 Sports Desk including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley18.45:Sports Desk

                A round-up of the day's news, with classified racing results19.02:Don Davis's Just for Fun

                Some problems and posers involving a pencil, a postcard and some prizes.
                Devised by DON DAVIS
                Producer JOHN WHITEHALLContributors

                Unknown: Don Davis
                19.30:David Allan's Country Club

                Introducing interviews recorded at the 51st Anniversary of The Grand Old Opry in Nashville, with British guest: Bryan Chalker
                Producer DENIS O'KEEFFEContributors

                Unknown: Bryan Chalker
                Producer: Denis O'Keeffe

                Tony Capstick introduces recordings made at the BERKSHIRE MIDSUMMER FESTIVAL 1976
                GRAHAM AND EILEEN PRATT at the Rising Sun, Catford and TIM LAYCOCK recorded at the LOUGHBOROUGH FESTIVAL 1976 News from the Folk world Producer PETER PILBEAM BBC ManchesterContributors

                Introduces: Tony Capstick
                Unknown: Eileen Pratt
                Unknown: Tim Laycock
                Producer: Peter Pilbeam
                22.02:Sports Desk

                including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley22.06:Syd Lawrence and his Orchestra

                With ROY MARSDEN
                JAN BUTLER and THE SERENADERS in Band Parade with THE BETTY SMITH SEXTET
                Introduced by Teddy Johnson Producer JACK DABBSContributors

                Unknown: Roy Marsden
                Unknown: Jan Butler
                Unknown: Betty Smith
                Introduced By: Teddy Johnson
                Producer: Jack Dabbs
                23.02:Jean Challis

                1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late Show0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information



                • BBC RADIO 1 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19TH 1976

                  6.00:as Radio 2

                  7.00:Noel Edmonds

                  9.00:Simon Bates

                  12.00:Paul Burnett

                  including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie MayerContributors

                  Unknown: Laurie Mayer
                  14.02:David Hamilton

                  Also on VHF16.30:It's D.L.T. OK!


                  More news with Laurie MayerContributors

                  Unknown: Laurie Mayer
                  18.02:as Radio 2

                  23.00:John Peel

                  Also on VHF0.00:* am as Radio 2



                  • BBC RADIO 2 FRIDAY NOVEMBER 19TH 1976

                    6.00:News Summary; weather

                    6.02:Colin Berry

                    including at
                    6.15 Pause for Thought7.02:Terry Wogan

                    including at
                    8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
                    8.45 Pause for Thought9.02:Pete Murray's Open House

                    including at 10.30
                    Waggoners' Walk11.30:Jimmy Young

                    13.50:* pm Sports Desk

                    14.02:David Hamilton

                    as Radio 1, but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
                    2.45 and 3.45 Sports Desk: including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.30:Waggoners'Walk

                    (Repeated: Monday 10.30 am) Produced and directed by PIERS PLOWRIGHT and DAVID JOHNSTON The cast this week:Contributors

                    Directed By: Piers Plowright
                    Directed By: David Johnston
                    Mike Nash: Edward Cast
                    Claire Nash: Ellen McIntosh
                    Joanna Nash: Elizabeth Proud
                    Peter Tyson: Basil Moss
                    Liz Tyson: Ann Morrish
                    Arthur Tyson: Lockwood West
                    Lynn Prior: Judy Franklin
                    Matt Prior: Michael Spice
                    Ben Woodhouse: Derek Seaton
                    Shirley Edwards: Carole Boyd
                    Kath Miller: Charlotte Mitchell
                    Andy Bolt: Richard Kay
                    Vivien Bolt: Jean Trend
                    Mrs Tandy: Grizelda Hervey
                    Michelle Carey: Mandy Cuthbert
                    Sophie Richmond: Glynis Brooks
                    Soo Ming: Pik-Sen Lim
                    Ginger Green: Philip Davis
                    Milton Monk: Sydney Tafler
                    Charlie Payne: Bruce Beeby
                    16.45:Sports Desk

                    including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley16.48:John Dunn

                    including at 5.45 Sports Desk: with news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley18.45:Sports Desk

                    19.02:The 78 Show

                    The quiz game devoted to those days of not so long ago when music was melodic, lyrics were lyrical and a record player was simply called -a gramophone!
                    This week's panel: Jean Metcalfe
                    Edmund Hockridge Francis Matthews
                    Chairman Shaw Taylor
                    At the piano Dennis Gomm Compiled and produced by JOHN DYASContributors

                    Unknown: Jean Metcalfe
                    Unknown: Edmund Hockridge
                    Unknown: Francis Matthews
                    Unknown: Shaw Taylor
                    Piano: Dennis Gomm
                    Produced By: John Dyas
                    19.30:Sammes' Songs

                    Some favourites old and new from the Mike Sammes Singers with a word or two from Ray Moore
                    Producer FRANK HOOPERContributors

                    Singers: Mike Sammes
                    Unknown: Ray Moore
                    Producer: Frank Hooper
                    20.02:Ronnie Aldrich

                    conducts the BBC RADIO ORCHESTRA
                    Presented by Jean Challis Producer MEL HOUSEContributors

                    Presented By: Jean Challis
                    Producer: Mel House
                    21.02:Friday Night is Music Night

                    Direct from
                    The Dome, Brighton
                    James Howe conducts the BBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA
                    Friday Night's Star Singers: JOANNE BROWN , JOHN LAWRENSON THE COLLEGIANS
                    DOUGLAS REEvr (organ) ROBERT DOCKER (piano)
                    Introduced by Robin Boyle Producer
                    CHARLES CLARK-MAXWELL
                    (Presented in association with the County Borough of Brighton)Contributors

                    Singers: Joanne Brown
                    Singers: John Lawrenson
                    Unknown: Douglas Reevr
                    Piano: Robert Docker
                    Introduced By: Robin Boyle
                    Unknown: Charles Clark-Maxwell
                    22.02:Sports Desk

                    including news of the Benson and Hedges tennis tournament at Wembley22.06:Sequence Time

                    at the Radio 2 Ballroom
                    MC TED BURROUGHS
                    Presented by Tom Edwards Producer BEVERLEY PHILLIPSContributors

                    Unknown: Bryan Smith
                    Presented By: Tom Edwards
                    Producer: Beverley Phillips
                    23.02:Len Jackson

                    1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late Show0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information

                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • BBC RADIO 1 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20TH 1976

                      6.00:as Radio 2

                      8.06:Ed Stewart

                      Also on VHF with Junior Choice
                      Producer ROGER PUSEY
                      Requests, on postcards please, to: Junior Choice, BBC, London W1A 4WWContributors

                      Producer: Roger Pusey
                      10.00:Kid Jensen

                      Producer MIKE HAWKESContributors

                      Producer: Mike Hawkes
                      12.00:Paul Gambaccini

                      with the best-selling pop and soul records from the American charts.
                      Producer MIKE HAWKESContributors

                      Producer: Mike Hawkes
                      13.31:David Soul's Top 12

                      Also on VHF
                      David Soul (Hutch of Starsky and Hutch, tonight 9.0 BBC1) talks to Brian Matthew and chooses his 12 favourite records to make up an imaginary album.
                      Producer DAVE PRICEContributors

                      Unknown: Brian Matthew
                      14.30:Alan Freeman

                      Also on VHF
                      Producer TONY WILSONContributors

                      Producer: Tony Wilson
                      17.31:It's Rock 'n' Roll

                      Also on VHF
                      Pure unadulterated Rock 'n' Roll introduced by Stuart Coleman
                      This week's studio guests: Matchbox and the latest releases are reviewed by Geoff BarkerContributors

                      Presenter: Stuart Coleman
                      Musicians: Matchbox
                      Reviewer: Geoff Barker
                      Producer: Dave Price
                      18.30:In Concert

                      Also on VHF
                      The Kursaal Flyers
                      Alberto y Los Trios Paranoias Introduced by Pete Drummond Producer JEFF GRIFFINContributors

                      Introduced By: Pete Drummond
                      Producer: Jeff Griffin
                      19.30:as Radio 2

                      FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                      • BBC RADIO 2 SATURDAY NOVEMBER 20TH 1976

                        6.00:News Summary; weather

                        6.02:Tom Edwards

                        Producer FRANCES : INE including at
                        8.3 Racing Bulletin8.06:* as Radio 1

                        10.02:Sam Costa

                        Producer DAVID WELSBY BBC Birmingham (Sam introduces Glamorous
                        Nights tomorrow at 7.30 pm)Contributors

                        Producer: David Welsby
                        12.02:Two's Best

                        Len Jackson with the best of Radio 02. Extracts in words and music selected from last week's programmes.
                        Script by KEITH HOWELL Producers BRIAN WILLEY and DENIS O'KEEFFEContributors

                        Unknown: Len Jackson
                        Script By: Keith Howell
                        Producers: Brian Willey
                        13.02:The Gag-Crackers' Ball

                        Cracking the gags: Freddie Davies Frank Carson and Don Maclean with KEN MACKINTOSH AND THE
                        KING STREET BRASS and THE MICHAEL JOHN SINGERS wi'th additional script material by GARY KNIGHT
                        Producer MARTIN FISHER
                        (Rptd: Sun 7.2 pm VHF, 247m, and 202m Scotland)Contributors

                        Unknown: Freddie Davies
                        Unknown: Frank Carson
                        Unknown: Don MacLean
                        Unknown: Ken MacKintosh
                        Singers: Michael John
                        Unknown: Gary Knight
                        Producer: Martin Fisher
                        13.30:Sport on 2

                        1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1
                        Presented by Desmond Lynam
                        1.38; 3.45; 5.6; 5.45*
                        Football League Special
                        Exclusive live commentary on one of the top matches; score flashes throughout the afternoon from five other grounds; scores and results as they come in, with classified checks at 5.6 and 5.45*. Plus news of the first round of the FA Cup.
                        1.30: 2.10; 2.40; 3.0; 4.50*
                        International Tennis
                        The Benson and Hedges Cham pionship. one of the last events in the 1976 Grand Prix, is nearing its climax at the Empire Tool, Wembley, where the world's leading players are battling for prize money totalling £62.500.
                        Commentary by MAX ROBERTSON and GERALD WILLIAMS.
                        2.0; 2.30; 4.50*; 5.40*
                        Racing from Ascot
                        Featuring commentary by PETER BROMLEY on the tWO main races.
                        2.5 The Black and White Whisky Handicap Hurdle (2m)
                        2.35 The Black and White Whisky Gold Cup Steeplechase (2m)
                        Plus results throughout the afternoon from the other meetings, with a classified check at 5.40*.
                        1.30; 3.1; 4.50: 5.30* Rugby Union
                        The John Player Knockout Cup gets under way this afternoon with London Scottish clashing with Richmond at the Athletic Ground-which is home for both these famous clubs.
                        Commentary by PETER WEST .
                        The mcc party leave on Tuesday for India where our batsmen, having been exposed by the speed of the Australians and the West Indians, face some of the world's finest spin bowlers. CHRlSTOPHER MARTIN-JENKINS discusses the team's prospects with captain TONY GREIG and tour manager KEN BARRINGTON.
                        And at 5.0*
                        Sports Report
                        Classified Football at 5.* and
                        5.45*; reports and comments on the top football stories of the day; the personalities making the news; Rugby Round-up at 5.25*: classified Racing Results at 5. 40*.
                        1.30 News/prospects from all featured events
                        2.0 Racing
                        2.10 Football/Tennis
                        2.30 Racing
                        2.40 Tennis/Football team news/Rugby
                        3.9 Tennis/Football score flashes/Rugby/Cricket
                        3.45 Football half-times/Rugby
                        3.55 Football commentary
                        4.42 First Football results
                        4.50 Tennis/Racing/Rugby
                        5.0 Sports Report
                        5.30 Rugby Round-up
                        S.40 Classified Racing/Football Events may alter timings
                        A Radio Sports Unit productionContributors

                        Presented By: Desmond Lynam
                        Unknown: Hedges Cham
                        Commentary By: Max Robertson
                        Commentary By: Gerald Williams.
                        Commentary By: Peter Bromley
                        Commentary By: Peter West
                        Unknown: Captain Tony Greig
                        Unknown: Ken Barrington.

                        1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 invites you to enjoy Both Sides Now with this week's guests: THE BOWLES BROTHERS and GERRY LOCKRAN
                        News and features from
                        JIM LLOYD. Bass and asides from BRIAN BROCKLEHURST Producer BILL BEBBContributors

                        Bass: Jim Lloyd.
                        Unknown: Brian Brocklehurst
                        19.02:Listen to Les

                        1500111 only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 119.30:Radio 2 Top Tunes

                        Norrie Paramor and the BBC MIDLAND RADIO ORCHESTRA play the week's most popular tunes from Radio 2 programmes Introduced by Don Moss BBC BirminghamContributors

                        Introduced By: Don Moss
                        20.15:Kings of the Keyboard

                        Steve Race presents 30 minutes of music in varying styles, played this week by: Leslie Pearson
                        Christine and Sandy Blair and Eddie Thompson
                        Producer STUART HOBDAYContributors

                        Unknown: Steve Race
                        Unknown: Leslie Pearson
                        Unknown: Sandy Blair
                        Unknown: Eddie Thompson
                        Producer: Stuart Hobday
                        20.45:Saturday Night

                        With the BBC RADIO ORCHESTRA
                        Angela Morley and the Strings Alyn Ainsworth and the RADIO BIG BAND
                        Brian Fahey and the BBC SCOTTISH RADIO ORCHESTRA with Nick Curtis
                        Introduced by Don Durbridge Producers FRANK HOOPER and CAMPBELL MACKENZIE including at
                        9.2 Sports Desk: a report on the Benson and Hedges Tennis Championships at WembleyContributors

                        Unknown: Angela Morley
                        Unknown: Alyn Ainsworth
                        Unknown: Brian Fahey
                        Unknown: Nick Curtis
                        Introduced By: Don Durbridge
                        Producers: Frank Hooper
                        Producers: Campbell MacKenzie
                        22.02:European Pop Jury

                        Presented in London by David Gell
                        A monthly programme in which 1,400 young people in seven European countries vote to discover the number one record in Europe today.
                        Taking part this month are: FINLAND (YLE), GERMANY (WDR) IRELAND (RTE), NORWAY (NRK) SPAIN (RNE), SWEDEN (SR) UNITED KINGDOM (BBC) Producer MEL HOUSE including at
                        11.2 Sports Desk: with a further report on the Benson and Hedges Tennis Championships at WembleyContributors

                        Unknown: David Gell
                        23.06:Alan Dell

                        with The Late Show including at 12.0
                        Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information0.31:* am News Summary

                        FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                        • BBC RADIO 1 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21ST 1976

                          6.55:as Radio 2


                          A magazine programme of special interest to young listeners. Introduced by David Rider , and including
                          Young Ideas in Action Producer DON GEORGEContributors

                          Introduced By: David Rider
                          Producer: Don George
                          8.32:Ed Stewart

                          Also on VHF with Junior Choice10.00:Simon Bates

                          with Ail There is to Hear Producer TED BESTONContributors

                          Producer: Ted Beston
                          13.00:Jimmy Savile

                          1.0 The Double Top Ten Show
                          2.0 Speakeasy: recorded with a specially invited audience Research BERNARD JACKSON Producers
                          TED BESTON and IAN GALLContributors

                          Unknown: Bernard Jackson
                          Unknown: Ted Beston
                          15.00:Anne Nightingale's Request Show

                          Producer BERNIE ANDREWSContributors

                          Producer: Bernie Andrews

                          A magazin" programme that takes a close look at the people, events and developments that influence today's pop music. Introduced and edited by Stuart GrundyContributors

                          Edited By: Stuart Grundy
                          18.00:Tom Browne

                          Also on VHF with the Top 20
                          Producer PETE RITZEMAContributors

                          Producer: Pete Ritzema
                          19.00:as Radio 2 (7.02-7.30 as VHF)

                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • BBC RADIO 2 SUNDAY NOVEMBER 21ST 1976
                            6.55:New Day

                            Presented by Colin SemperContributors

                            Presented By: Colin Semper
                            7.00:News Summary; weatherman

                            7.03:Dudley Savage

                            As Prescribed
                            DUDLEY SAVAGE at the organ of the ABC Theatre in Plymouth and THE LOCHGELLY BAND conductor GEORGE THOMPSON with music requested for patients in hospital or at home Producer IAN CARSONContributors

                            Unknown: Dudley Savage
                            Conductor: George Thompson
                            Producer: Ian Carson
                            8.03:Come Alive!

                            and sing some gospel songs and choruses with the CITY TEMPLE CRUSADER CHOIR, CARDIFF THE RICHARD WILLIAMS JUNIOR SINGERS and KELVIN THOMAS Introduced by Wyn Calvin Producer LLOYD WALTERS BBC WalesContributors

                            Unknown: Richard Williams
                            Unknown: Kelvin Thomas
                            Introduced By: Wyn Calvin
                            Producer: Lloyd Walters
                            8.32:as Radio 1

                            10.02:David Jacobs

                            introduces Melodies for You BBC CONCERT ORCHESTRA conducted by KENNETH ALWYN
                            THE REGINALD LEOPOLD ORCHESTRA leader GEORGE FRENCH and WENDY EATHORNE Producer PETER BELLContributors

                            Conducted By: Kenneth Alwyn
                            Conducted By: The Reginald Leopold
                            Leader: George French
                            Leader: Wendy Eathorne
                            Producer: Peter Bell
                            11.30:People's Service

                            The first in a series of three programmes from a studio in London in which COLIN SEMPER and FRANK TOPPING look into the way God deals with the world. This week they ask the question:
                            Does God speak our language?Contributors

                            Unknown: Colin Semper
                            Unknown: Frank Topping
                            12.02:Family Favourites

                            Introduced by Jean Challis With MARAMA MARTIN , Radio New Zealand RICHARD CLEGG ,
                            BFBS Cyprus and Masirah STEVE COSSER , ABC Sydney Producer RAY HARVEY
                            (19 December: New Zealand, BFBS Cyprus and Masirah and Australia)Contributors

                            Introduced By: Jean Challis
                            Unknown: Marama Martin
                            Unknown: Richard Clegg
                            Unknown: Steve Cosser
                            Producer: Ray Harvey
                            14.02:Listen to Les

                            says Les Dawson with DAPHNE OXENFORD and COLIN EDWYNN Music directed by BRIAN FITZGERALD
                            Written and produced by JAMES CASEYContributors

                            Unknown: Les Dawson
                            Unknown: Daphne Oxenford
                            Unknown: Colin Edwynn
                            Directed By: Brian Fitzgerald
                            Produced By: James Casey
                            14.30:Hooray for Hollywood

                            A celebration of 50 years of film musicals.
                            24: The King and the Student Prince
                            ' Mario Lanza was a truck driver, a misbehaved youth, rude and unpredictable. He liked to eat and drink. He was often known to drink a Quart of wine, and have 20 scrambled eggs and a bowl full of spaghetti.' (JOE PASTERNAK ) ' Elvis Presley was no problem. Very polite. " Yes Sir" and " No Sir " and, considering the success he made, it was a very good experience.'
                            (HAL B. WALI. IS)
                            Douglas Fairbanks Jr traces the rise and fall of the two biggest singing film stars of the 1950s-. Also taking part: PANDRO BERMAN , SAMMY CAHN
                            Written by BENNY GREEN
                            Producers JOHN BILUNGHAM and MEL HOUSEContributors

                            Unknown: Mario Lanza
                            Unknown: Joe Pasternak
                            Unknown: Elvis Presley
                            Unknown: Hal B. Wali.
                            Unknown: Douglas Fairbanks Jr
                            Unknown: Pandro Berman
                            Unknown: Sammy Cahn
                            Unknown: Kathryn Grayson
                            Unknown: Joe Pasternak
                            Unknown: Norman Taurog
                            Unknown: Hal B. Wallis
                            Unknown: Paul F. Webster
                            Written By: Benny Green
                            Producers: John Bilungham
                            15.30:George Best

                            says Be My Guest
                            The Fulham and Northern Ireland international footballer talks about football and his favourite music - before going out to play in a home League match at Craven Cottage. Producer JOHN F. muirContributors

                            Producer: John F. Muir
                            16.02:Charlie Chester

                            with your Sunday Soapbox Producer RON GARDNER BBC Birmingham including the latest news from the final day of the Benson-and Hedges Tennis Championship at WembleyContributors

                            Producer: Ron Gardner
                            18.00:as Radio 1

                            19.02:The Gag-Crackers' Ball

                            19.02:1500m only Brain of Sport 76

                            This evening sees the second semi-final in the nationwide quiz series to find the best sporting brain in Britain. RICHARD ALLEN , ALLAN KENNERLY and RON ROWLEY battle it out for a place in the Final. Referee Chris Rhys
                            Questionmaster Peter Jones Devised and produced by MICHAEL TUKE-HASTINGSContributors

                            Unknown: Richard Allen
                            Unknown: Allan Kennerly
                            Unknown: Ron Rowley
                            Unknown: Chris Rhys
                            Unknown: Peter Jones
                            Produced By: Michael Tuke-Hastings
                            19.30:Glamorous Nights

                            Unforgettable melodies from the world of operetta and musical theatre.
                            Introduced by Sam Costa Written and produced by EDWARD NASHContributors

                            Introduced By: Sam Costa
                            Produced By: Edward Nash
                            20.30:Sunday Half-Hour

                            Hymn-singing with lucal choirs and congregations from St Matthew's Parish Church, St Helens, Lancashire.
                            Introduced by Keith Macklin Conductor RON JONES Organist ALAN THWATTE Prayer and Blessing by the Vicar,
                            REV JAMES HARCOURT RICHARDS or a thousand tongues to sing (Lyngbam); Lord of our life,-and God of our salvation (Cloisters): Man of sorrows. what a name (Hallelujah, What a Saviour): 0 happy day, that fixed my choice (0 Happy Day): Glorious things of thee are spoken (Austria): What a friend we have in Jesus (Converse); 0 love that wilt not let me go (St Margaret): Great is thy faithfulness (Great is Thy Faithfulness); Jesus shall reign where'er the sun (Rimington) BBC ManchesterContributors

                            Introduced By: Keith MacKlin
                            Conductor: Ron Jones
                            Organist: Alan Thwatte
                            Unknown: James Harcourt Richards
                            21.02:Your 100 Best Tunes

                            Introduced by Alan Keith Producer JACK DABBSContributors

                            Introduced By: Alan Keith
                            Producer: Jack Dabbs
                            22.02:Sports Desk

                            including a report on the final night's play in the Benson and Hedges Tennis Championship at Wembley22.06:Nordring 76

                            Peter the Giant
                            Norway's entry for the 1976 Nordring Radio Prize held at Eden Court Theatre, Inverness, earlier this year, with Per Muller as Peter Laila Dalseth as Mother Aase Ellen Nikolaysen as Solveig
                            BBC SCOTTISH RADIO ORCHESTRA conducted by SIGURD JANSEN Written by EVA SCHRAM and TERJE HOEL
                            Producer ROLF KIRKVAAG (NRK)Contributors

                            Unknown: Per Muller
                            Unknown: Peter Laila Dalseth
                            Unknown: Mother Aase
                            Unknown: Ellen Nikolaysen
                            Conducted By: Sigurd Jansen
                            Written By: Eva Schram
                            Written By: Terje Hoel
                            Producer: Rolf Kirkvaag
                            22.45:Sounds of Jazz

                            Introduced by Peter Clayton With GEORGE CHISHOLM AND THE
                            GENTLEMEN OF JAZZ
                            Producers LAWRIE MONK and KEITH STEWART including at 12.0
                            Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring informationContributors

                            Introduced By: Peter Clayton
                            Introduced By: With George Chisholm
                            Introduced By: Keith Stewart
                            0.31:* am News Summary

                            FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                            • BBC RADIO 1 MONDAY NOVEMBER 22ND 1976

                              6.00:as Radio 2

                              7.00:Noel Edmonds

                              Producer DAVE TATEContributors

                              Producer: Dave Tate
                              9.00:Tony Blackburn

                              Producer DAVE ATKEYContributors

                              Producer: Dave Atkey
                              12.00:Paul Burnett

                              Producer RON BELCHER including at 12.30 pm Newsbeat with Laurie MayerContributors

                              Producer: Ron Belcher
                              Unknown: Laurie Mayer
                              14.02:David Hamilton

                              Also on VHF
                              Producer PAUL WILLIAMSContributors

                              Producer: Paul Williams
                              16.30:It's D.L.T. OK!

                              Producer TIM BLACKMOREContributors

                              Producer: Tim Blackmore

                              More news with Laurie MayerContributors

                              Unknown: Laurie Mayer
                              18.02:as Radio 2

                              23.00:John Peel

                              Also on VHF
                              Producer JOHN WALTERSContributors

                              Producer: John Walters
                              0.00:* am as Radio 2

                              FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                              • BBC RADIO 2 MONDAY NOVEMBER 22ND 1976

                                6.00:News Summary; weather

                                6.02:Colin Berry

                                Producer FRANCES LINE including at
                                6.15 Pause for ThoughtContributors

                                Producer: Frances Line
                                7.02:Terry Wogan

                                Producer GEOFFREY MULLIN including at
                                8.27 Racing Bulletin and at
                                S.45 Pause for Thought I Repeat)Contributors

                                Producer: Geoffrey Mullin
                                9.02:Pete Murray's Open House

                                Producers ANGELA BOND
                                ANN COLVIN , ROYSTON HERBERT
                                Requests, on postcards please, to: Open House, BBC, London WIA 4WW including at 10.38
                                Waggoners' Walk
                                (Friday afternoon's broadcast)Contributors

                                Producers: Angela Bond
                                Unknown: Ann Colvin
                                11.30:Jimmy Young

                                Producers HARRY WALTERS and COLIN CHANDLERContributors

                                Producers: Harry Walters
                                Unknown: Colin Chandler
                                13.50:* pm Sports Desk

                                14.02:David Hamilton

                                as Radio 1, but including on 1500m only (also 202m Scotland)
                                2.45 and 3.45 Sports Desk: with latest racing results.16.30:Waggoners' Walk

                                Written by ALAN DOWNER and JILL HYEM
                                Produced and directed by PIERS PLOWRIGHT and DAVID JOHNSTON
                                Andy and Michelle have left for Sheffield; the twins have arrived - both girls; and Arthur Tyson has found evidence, or so he thinks, of Peter's ' misconduct
                                Cast: page 60Contributors

                                Written By: Alan Downer
                                Unknown: Jill Hyem
                                Directed By: Piers Plowright
                                Directed By: David Johnston
                                Directed By: Arthur Tyson
                                16.45:Sports Desk

                                with latest racing results16.47:John Dunn

                                An afternoon miscellany of words and music
                                Producers JOHN MELOY and BARBARA PAGE including at
                                5.45 Sports Desk: with latest racing resultsContributors

                                Producers: John Meloy
                                Producers: Barbara Page
                                18.45:Sports Desk

                                A roundup of the day's news, with classified racing results19.02:Pop Score

                                A game that adds up to questions of pop and popular music Popping the questions - Pete Murray
                                And hoping to score off each other
                                Tony Blackburn and Patrick Mower v Terry Wogan and Tim Rice
                                Compiled and produced by RICHARD WILLCOXContributors

                                Unknown: Pete Murray
                                Unknown: Tony Blackburn
                                Unknown: Patrick Mower
                                Unknown: Terry Wogan
                                Unknown: Tim Rice
                                Produced By: Richard Willcox
                                19.30:Alan Dell

                                7.30 The Dance Band Days
                                A selection of British dance band favourites
                                8.2 Stereo The Big Band Sound Producer LAWRIE MONKContributors

                                Producer: Lawrie Monk
                                21.02:Humphrey Lyttelton

                                with The Best of Jazz on records Producer KEITH STEWARTContributors

                                Producer: Keith Stewart
                                22.02:Sports Desk

                                22.05:Star Sound

                                A musical look at the world of films.
                                1 Composing music for comedies is more difficult than writing the score for disaster pictures.'
                                Speaking Personally: John ' Jaws ' Williams
                                You Asked for It!: a selection of listeners' requests picked from the postbag.
                                Introduced by David Bellan Written and compiled by LYN FAIRHURST
                                Requests, on postcards please, to: Star Sound, BBC, London WIA 4WWContributors

                                Introduced By: David Bellan
                                Unknown: Lyn Fairhurst
                                23.02:Michael Meech

                                1500m only (also 202m Scotland) VHF joins Radio 1 with The Late Show Producers PAM cox and DENYS JONESContributors

                                Producers: Pam Cox
                                Producers: Denys Jones
                                0.00:* am Midnight Newsroom; weather; motoring information

                                FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL

