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What is your first every memory?

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  • #16
    Re: What is your first every memory?

    I think my earliest memory is my brother being born, so i would have been about 3. I remember coming back from the hospital and it being freezing cold outside, and my dad making me a big fry up when we got home.


    • #17
      Re: What is your first every memory?

      my first memory is when i was lying in the crib in hospital ad looked out and saw mu parents standing at the window looking at me.

      i must have only been weeks old.


      • #18
        Re: What is your first every memory?

        Are you sure you were in hospital Darren? New babies aren't usually in for that long. I've never known anyone be able to remember anything before they were about 2 1/2. I remember being pushed to Sunday School in a pushchair by my cousin and I think I was probably coming up to three years old then.
        "She moves in such an exciting world!"


        • #19
          Re: What is your first every memory?

          I think there is another first memory thread kicking around on this forum which I have contributed to, but here's another early memory for me. Standing holding onto the bars of my cot in the middle of the night, looking towards the window with the blinds open and a big white street light shining in on me. I probably felt scared and alone hence the lasting memory, but I can't remember how I felt.
          1976 Vintage


          • #20
            Re: What is your first every memory?

            Originally posted by Jacqueline View Post
            Are you sure you were in hospital Darren? New babies aren't usually in for that long. I've never known anyone be able to remember anything before they were about 2 1/2. I remember being pushed to Sunday School in a pushchair by my cousin and I think I was probably coming up to three years old then.
            honest i know its true.
            but i really remember this clear as day.
            must say i find hard to believe sometimes.

            another memory i have is when i put a damp piece of tissue paper on the light bulb when is switched to see what would happen.
            well i found out.
            Last edited by darren; 03-03-2011, 15:02.


            • #21
              Re: What is your first every memory?

              Playing "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies on my record player, and actually catching our small black/white tv .

              It was positioned on top of a small cupboard and I'd been swinging on the door, and it fell and I caught it, somehow??? .... I must've been about 2 1/2 years old on both occasions!


              • #22
                Re: What is your first every memory?

                Originally posted by Lilacmoon View Post
                Playing "Sugar Sugar" by The Archies on my record player, and actually catching our small black/white tv .

                It was positioned on top of a small cupboard and I'd been swinging on the door, and it fell and I caught it, somehow??? .... I must've been about 2 1/2 years old on both occasions!
                you are very lucky it did not do you damage.


                • #23
                  Re: What is your first every memory?

                  I remember hearing my father come to bed singing the Adam Faith hit 'What Do You Want?'
                  The best Government is that which governs least - Thoreau.


                  • #24
                    Re: What is your first every memory?

                    Originally posted by soapy View Post
                    I think my earliest memory is my brother being born, so i would have been about 3. I remember coming back from the hospital and it being freezing cold outside, and my dad making me a big fry up when we got home.
                    Hi Soapy, how did you feel about having a little brother? Excited? My elder sister was odd, she hated the idea.


                    • #25
                      Re: What is your first every memory?

                      My earliest memory is being in hospital being weighed in a stainless steel weighing machine, naked as the day I was born. I remember there was one of those paper green hand towels lining the bowl. The Nurse had a dark blue uniform on-I'm sure it was a short sleeved top so she probably had those nylon style navy blue trousers on to match. The room didn't have the lights on and I'm sure it was early afternoon on a sunny day so the lights didn't need to be on. My late Mum said I then promptly farted in the Nurse/Midwifes face when she lifted me out! :O And it proper stunk and what made it funny was that I got scared and

                      I don't remember the farting bit. I remember the rest. Must have been 2 or 3 at the time....bliss.


                      • #26
                        Re: What is your first every memory?

                        Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
                        I think there is another first memory thread kicking around on this forum which I have contributed to, but here's another early memory for me. Standing holding onto the bars of my cot in the middle of the night, looking towards the window with the blinds open and a big white street light shining in on me. I probably felt scared and alone hence the lasting memory, but I can't remember how I felt.

                        Aww. Did your Mum or Dad come in comfort you?


                        • #27
                          Re: What is your first every memory?

                          Originally posted by jessi View Post
                          I remember when I was about 15 recalling something that had happened when I was little, saying I remembered being held by someone and seeing my mother waving at me from the back of a retreating black cab.

                          She looked at me in astonishment...''you can't possibly remember that'' she said..''you were only 14 months old, and I'd had to put you into short term foster care while I went into hospital!!

                          Not only did I remember it, but I was able to describe a couple more events that took place in the foster carers home while I was there...she was absolutely gobsmacked because it had never ever been mentioned in the family that I'd ever been fostered.
                          Thats a brilliant memory.


                          • #28
                            Re: What is your first every memory?

                            Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
                            Aww. Did your Mum or Dad come in comfort you?
                            Probably, but weirdly I have no memory of that bit!
                            1976 Vintage


                            • #29
                              Re: What is your first every memory?

                              Another early memory I have is when I was about 3 my Mum used to say I'd always try and climb out of the cot. So, Mum decided to BUY two of those squidgy rubber spiders that have elastic on them so you can 'bounce them' and their long legs flop about. She'd place one in the hallway coming out of the room across the hall and the other more closer coming towards the cot-she'd position them so cleverly the legs even looked like they were prone in movement. The one nearer me was literally on the threshold between the doorway where my cot was and the hallway....

                              IT FRIGHTENED THE POO OUT OF ME! :O

                              My earliest memory of it is screaming my head off sobbing stood in the cot holding the railing and my Dad, must have been a day off work, in his green rollneck jumper and dark blue flares came along, scooped both spiders up and calmed me down and took them away. He didn't like Mum doing that sort of thing. Mum said she did it to prevent me from trying to get out of the cot and hurting myself in some way as she did have a lot of housework to do....I agree with that but it did frighten me as a child. Funnily, I'm not frightened of spiders in general but hate the way they scurry across a room even now.


                              • #30
                                Re: What is your first every memory?

                                My earliest memory is of laying on a hospital bed with a big scary doctor sticking a javelin-sized needle in my arm... he missed the vain (which I didn't know at the time), my arm swelled up like a balloon and they had to cut my frilly white crocheted cardigan off me My mum said I was 18months old and I was in hospital for x-rays on my kidneys!
                                Because in a split second, it's gone
                                Ayrton Senna WDC 1988,1990 & 1991 sigpic

