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Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

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  • Lassie
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I was scared of Bill and Ben the Flowerpot men. Also scared of Ken Dodd's Diddymen. I think the flowerpot men because I couldn't understand them, their voices scared me. I'm not sure about the diddymen, maybe their size. I can't remember what their voices sounded like. Oh and Micheal Bentine's Potty Time. Something about that scared me too.

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  • battyrat
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I have been told by parants that one thing that used to scare me was clowns.I think it started when I was taken to the circus as a toddler and I cried the place down after a clown came rather too close for comfort.I don't remember it but I do have a dislike for over the top dressed circus type clowns today.Charlie chaplin was ok,as he did not really dress like a clown.

    I also remember a freinds toilet in the brick built on shed.There used to be two light bulbs close to gether in a home made fitting that used to look like a pair or big monsterous bright eyes.My friend never liked them either.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    There was a COI anti smoking ad in the mid 80s called 'The Smoker of the Future', its on youtube and it scared the s--t out of me as a kid - used to either change the channel very quickly or close my eyes and put my hands over my face until it was over.

    Michael Gambon? Never creeped me out but that man is very overrated in general. Saw a few of his Maigret's on ITV3 a while back and did like it funnily...but the English accents ranging from West Country, to posh RP was ridiculous...especially if its set in FRANCE!

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  • Sly
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I just remembered something that did scare me. Michael Gambon. That man is 110% creepy.

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  • darren
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    is it your afraid of him or u dont like him.
    what is it about him that effects you.
    alsatians used to scare me a lot.

    something to do with being bit by one when very young..

    Originally posted by shilton dipper View Post
    I was scared of Lionel Blaire ...........~~thats understandable I hear you say~~.............there must have been something about him that gave me the heebeegeebees ........still don't like him today

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  • shilton dipper
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I was scared of Lionel Blaire ...........~~thats understandable I hear you say~~.............there must have been something about him that gave me the heebeegeebees ........still don't like him today

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  • willpurry
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    Originally posted by Noopypoop View Post
    As a kid I was absolutely terrified of Max Headroom, or "Snap Snap" as I used to call him (no idea why). I remember Bobby Davro used to do an impression of him in his sketch show which was a shame, I loved that show but had to hide behind the settee when Snap Snap came on. No problems watching him now, I just find him rather dull

    Also, there is an old furniture shop in Wakefield called John Baker's (I think). The shop has a weird kind of pitch black mini tunnel that connects their two rooms. I used to **** my pants having to go through that tunnel. I'm going to pop in next time I'm in the area and see if I've become any braver in the last 20 years
    I suppose Max Headroom's head could be said to snap about.

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  • Trickyvee
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    Friend of my dad had two big St Bernard dogs. They were about the size of me at the time and were always lolling about on the path to his door so we had to get past them every time we went to visit. They were docile as anything but I was legitimately scared of them! Huge they were.

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  • Noopypoop
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    As a kid I was absolutely terrified of Max Headroom, or "Snap Snap" as I used to call him (no idea why). I remember Bobby Davro used to do an impression of him in his sketch show which was a shame, I loved that show but had to hide behind the settee when Snap Snap came on. No problems watching him now, I just find him rather dull

    Also, there is an old furniture shop in Wakefield called John Baker's (I think). The shop has a weird kind of pitch black mini tunnel that connects their two rooms. I used to **** my pants having to go through that tunnel. I'm going to pop in next time I'm in the area and see if I've become any braver in the last 20 years

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    Guest replied
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    Close Encounters of The Third Kind, the aliens in it and that music really got to me as a small child....I used to think aliens would come and abduct me. UFO's in general and any films to do with them, ghosts, films with ghosts too...I believe we aren't alone in the universe still as its arrogant to imagine only we live on Earth and other planets with different biological structures or evolutionary cycles couldn't sustain different forms of life but it still does chill me to think there just could be other species out there...I fear if we met them it would be rather disasterous -humanity is synonymous with war and prejudice so it wouldn't take long for the human race to muck it all up with another race or their planet or their I actually think they should stay away for their sake as humankind has a long way to go before trying to cohabit with a totally different form of life!

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  • Powdered toast man
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I used to be terrified of big lorries when I was a small(4 years old) kid. I used to scream 'VAN!' and put my hands over my ears when one drove past. Which is ironic as I have a HGV licence now. And around that time my grandma worked in a bakery and I used to be taken there to see her and I was always scared of the Hobart mixers that were lined up along the wall.

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  • Trickyvee
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    The video to Fat Boy Slim's Weapon of Choice always makes me smile (and quake with terror deep down) because you can hear one of those old hoovers in the background right at the very beginning. Christopher Walken's dancing is cool too, of course.

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  • Richard1978
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    I never liked the sound of the older hoovers, especially as my Mum always seemed to use it when I was doing something that required me to listen to something.

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  • Adam
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
    Something else...our Hoover Junior vacuum cleaner. It was mostly the noise but I didn't like the look of it either with its weird blow up one-sided bag and bananary handle. I used to go in the garden when it was being used, but I didn't even like it just standing switched off. It was quite embarrasing because I had this irrational phobia of upright vacuum cleaners until I was about 12! Going around to friend's houses was a nightmare if the hoover happened to be out. I couldn't let on that I was terrified at that age. It was the same in shops.
    Those old Hoovers used scare the hell out of me. I allways thought the bag would suddenly explode with a massive bang.

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    Guest replied
    Re: Stupid things you were scared of when you were little.

    The AIDS ads were all the more depressing with John Hurts voiceover too.

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