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Trying to remember schoolbooks from the 70s

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  • Trying to remember schoolbooks from the 70s

    I remember activity books that were colour coded, the higher the grade, the harder the books activities. We had to take the book to teacher and we were tested on it individually . I’m sure the higher grade books had more “complicated “ names for the colour grade e.g magenta, crimson etc.
    the basic ones were brown, red ,blue

    i also remember the music lesson singing books where we sang thing like swinging Samson, jazzman Jonah and the story of lieutenant cockatoo. I still remember a lot of the songs from these but there’s one that escapes me .
    all I remember is part of the song that starts
    ”when the crescent moon has a single star
    that guides us through the dark
    (More verse lines here forgotten)
    ”we come ,we come
    we strange little people come
    hoppy Derry dandro
    hoppy Derry dandro.

    .anyway when the school was having a clear out and the janitor was chucking a load of these songbooks and coloured graded books on a bonfire, I was thinking of taking a few , wish I had now