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First computer
Mine was a ZX Spectrum 48k with a separate tape unit and those wonderful rubbery keys!
What do YOU remember about the 70's 80's and 90's?Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?
Commodore 64, we got it from Dixons for my daughter. I stole it out her room the next day
My parents bought me a Intel 386 as a present for graduating 6th grade. I used that computer until I bought a Pentium 3 - 500mhtz when they came out. I had that sucker so tweaked out and optimized, it was amazing I got half the things I had to run.
Originally posted by ElmoI had a ZX81 first, the black one with membrane keyboard. Then I moved onto a Vic 20. I still have this and it works !! Tape deck, 16K memory cartridge etc.. Classic My new TV Forums.
This picture shows you the membrane keyboard. Its basically two membranes or plastic sheets with electrical contacts between them instead of proper moving keys. I remember the contacts on the membranes would break quite easily if you used them too muchDo You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?
my first computer was a Packard Bell 66mhz 486 with 4mb of ram and i think a 500mb hard drive (maybe smaller/bigger i cant remember). i remember when i came home and my mom had set it up, i started playing this futuristic racing game and i was instantly hooked. now i'm a computer nerd
Thats the chappy. Before I got a tape recorder it was a bit tedious as I had to program the games in each time I turned it on. I remember happily typing out lines and lines of code from a games magazine to play a very basic game. I thought it was great at the time though
Mine was a TRS-80 with 16K ram. It hooked up to the TV for its monitor. I also had a single-sided single-density floppy diskette and a 300 baud modem. My first program I wrote made a line go around the screen, kind of like the snake game, except it changed colors and made noises. I thought it was the coolest thing in the world at the time!
We got the aforementioned ZX81 and I still have it with me now in my office! Was hoping to sell it on a leading internet auction site the other day but saw how cheaply they are going for....may hold onto it til it's vintage rather than just retro!!!
Then we got a Spectrum followed by my C64 and an Atari STFM.
mine was the zx81 in them days it was brill but now
well what can i say
but ive got all the old consoles
atari st . master system . mega drive . snes . playstation . and on pc all the spectrum games and zx81 game (sad) but classicsTHE TRUTH IS OUT THERE TRUST NO ONE
"my first computer was a Packard Bell 66mhz 486 with 4mb of ram"
It's great that such youngsters are on this forum)
My first computer was an Acorn Electron, which we had for years until we got an Olivetti 8086 - 64kb of RAM and a 5MB HDD! It wasn't until I was in the 6th form that we progressed to a 486: shows how old I am!