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Worst Movie you've ever watched?

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  • darren
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    another would be cannibal man.

    very dreary and not that much happens.

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  • victorbrunswick
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    As a history buff it's a tossup between "Titanic" and "Pearl Harbor." I found both to be execrable.

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  • modgaz
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    how about horror hospital?

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  • DemonEyeX
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Death Drug !!!

    This movie is so completely terrible that it ends up being totally awesome.

    From imdb.
    A young man in Los Angeles dreams of striking it big as a singer in the music business.
    One day he gets signed to a big record contract, but along with the fame and money he develops an addiction to the drug PCP.

    And a review from imdb.
    This is without a doubt the funniest movie I've ever seen.
    From the intro and outro, the sheer brilliance of Philip Michael Thomas shines like a beacon for bad movie lovers everywhere!
    The best part, although its hard to choose one from this incredible work, is the totally out of place 1980s Philip Michael Thomas video that is ungracefully dumped right in the middle of the damn thing.
    This movie rules, bottom line, if you find it buy it! Don't even rent it, just buy it.
    Please God, or whoever chooses which movies make it to DVD, put this on a DVD and I will live the rest of my life in a convalescent bliss.

    Honestly, any fans of bad movies should hunt this one down immediately,
    It actually had me crying with laughter.

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  • maxmix
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Remember seeing the 1986 corker Car trouble, it was truly terrible, haven't seen it since, nor do I want to!!

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  • philipdalton
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Dunno about the worst movie I've ever seen, but I know what the shortest one was.
    It was called 'Before Time Began'.
    Ha ha ha ha ha!!

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  • onthebusesfan
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?


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  • arnold1
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    the incredible melting man at the granada clapham junction 1977 .

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  • darren
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    i completely agree there mate.

    a few otheres are i really think are bad are. childs play 4 and 5.
    nothing compared to the other 3.

    and home alone 3 pretty dire stuff.
    Originally posted by Sly View Post
    To me a good horror film isn't blood or gore. It's suspense. A lot of horror films just thing the blood and gore is the be all and end all of the genre. Fear is a psychological thing, it feeds of what it can't see more than what it can see. What you see out of the corner of your eye feeds more fear into your mind than something you've had a good look at.

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  • Sly
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
    Sad to say, Paint-by-the-Numbers films aren't restricted to the horror genre. Hollywood has long ago run out of ideas because it seems like every other film that comes out today is either a remake or a sequel.
    To me a good horror film isn't blood or gore. It's suspense. A lot of horror films just thing the blood and gore is the be all and end all of the genre. Fear is a psychological thing, it feeds of what it can't see more than what it can see. What you see out of the corner of your eye feeds more fear into your mind than something you've had a good look at.

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  • Palazzo
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by Sly View Post
    I hate all those films. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street. The only people I've ever met that really enjoy those films are the sort of people I cross the street to avoid. Horrible films. Paint by numbers horror films are terrible, I think the Americans are particularly bad at doing them. Blood and gore does not make a horror film.
    I agree with this, not a fan of gory films at all. I went to see a film a few weeks ago and one of the trailers beforehand was for the new 3D Texas Chainsaw film, looks most unpleasant. The first Halloween is a good film but I've never been a fan of Friday the 13th or Elm Street. Funnily enough though, I actually enjoyed the new Elm Street from a few years ago, not too gory and I thought the origin story they gave to the Freddy character was actually very good. The original Elm Street fans panned it though.

    Worst films off the top of my head - Knock off starring Jean Claude Van Damme and Rob Schneider as the comedy sidekick. Terrible in every way, as bad as Van Damme's movies are, this is just awful. Many people will disagree with this next one but for me it left me totally bored, Blue Velvet by David Lynch. I'm a massive Lynch fan and love most of his work but Blue Velvet was disappointing. I can respect why it is thought of so highly and Dennis Hopper is fantastic in it. I guess all the great things I heard about it placed it on a level it would never truly reach for me.

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  • Beach Life
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Mars Attacks, Weekend At Bernies, The Toy, Shanghai Surprise, Cherry Moon and others I can't remember at the moment!

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  • victorbrunswick
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by Sly View Post
    I hate all those films. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street. The only people I've ever met that really enjoy those films are the sort of people I cross the street to avoid. Horrible films. Paint by numbers horror films are terrible, I think the Americans are particularly bad at doing them. Blood and gore does not make a horror film.
    Sad to say, Paint-by-the-Numbers films aren't restricted to the horror genre. Hollywood has long ago run out of ideas because it seems like every other film that comes out today is either a remake or a sequel.

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  • xmark1234
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    WOT A FILM aint such a thing as worst film lol

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  • stuckinthe80's
    Re: Worst Movie you've ever watched?

    Originally posted by Sly View Post
    I hate all those films. Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street. The only people I've ever met that really enjoy those films are the sort of people I cross the street to avoid. Horrible films. Paint by numbers horror films are terrible, I think the Americans are particularly bad at doing them. Blood and gore does not make a horror film.
    The first Friday the 13th and Nightmare on Elm Street are excellent!

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