Re: Looking back on 2017
i won't remember 2017 for anything really. i'm always glad to see the end of each year. out with the old **** and in with the new.
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Looking back on 2017
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Re: Looking back on 2017
I do think that 2017 will be remembered for so many incidents such as Grenfell Tower, and of course the awful attacks in London and Manchester. I just cannot remember any other year in the past that so much of that has happened.
At least we have Prince Harry and Meghan's wedding to look forward to in May 2018 - roll on good news, I say!
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Looking back on 2017
As we are approaching the end of 2017, I thought that I would mention what I would remember this year for, my memories, and what I thought of it.
I suppose that I will personally remember 2017 for the following:
The deaths of Sir Bruce Forsyth, Roger Moore, Sir John Hurt, John Noakes, and also the 117 year old Italian woman Emma Morano who happened to be the last living person born before 1900, bringing the end of a living era of the past. Brucie's death was also the end of an era - Friday evenings watching Play Your Cards Right was so much part of growing up in the 1980s. I just thought that he would always be around and make it to 100.
The surprising but welcoming General Election decided by Theresa May, which caused the unfortunate Hung Parliament.
The Grenfell Tower fire - I can still picture the BBC News pictures of the burning tower block. As I live in flats myself (although not as tall as those), it has made me concerned for the places that we happen to live in.
The bomb attacks in London as well as the one in Manchester - I just cannot get round why people would want to cause so much anxiety and misery to people who just happen to be somewhere that they wanted to be.
Prince Harry's engagement to Meghan Markle, and also the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge announcing their third child. Also, the news of Prince Philip's retirement from public duties, announced on the same day as the local elections in May - I am almost certain that the Queen will mentiuon some of these in her 3.00 pm message on Christmas Day.
Our pound coins changing shape - I know that certain machines still do not recognise them and still accepts the old coins.
It was also great to see Portugal win the Eurovision Song Contest for the first time, and for Mark Selby to win snooker at the Crucible, not for the first time.
Milton Keynes celebrated its 50th birthday, and I happened to visit the city in August to see Grease the Musical at the Milton Keynes Theatre, just a few days after the crash on the M1 around Newport Pagnell.
On a personal and local level, I was relieved to hear that a man had been sentenced to life imprisonment in August for stabbing to death two people in December 2016, and one of them had been in my class at school for so many years back in the 1980s - it even made the national page of the BBC News website for a couple of hours. I should have known the victim as he came from the same area as myself and was the same age. The person had been killed just before Christmas last year, and I was shocked when I saw the person's very familiar name from the past when it was mentioned on the news - it was almost like hearing the death of one's own family member on the news. I almost felt so sick hearing about it, and when the killer was found guilty, I just had to switch the TV and radio off, as I felt sick hearing the name of the person that not only I went to school with being mentioned, but I had a claim to fame: I was the only person who was in the same class as the victim for for the first six years of our school lives. I still feel shaky thinking and writing about on here now. Thank God that I had a chance to move away from that area a few years ago, and into a lot nicer one - I don't know what I would have done if I had still lived there. I just thought that I would get that off my chest as I have had it bottled inside me for months.
It doesn't seem a year since I watching Big Ben (sans scaffolding) on BBC 1 with a glass of sherry in my hand. I wonder what 2018 will bring?
What will you remember 2017 for? Do you have any memories that you will associate this year for? Are you glad to the back of 2017?Tags: None
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