Did you do a part time job after school/weekends.... I did.
it was a spur of the moment casual enquiry that was to shape my life for the next 30 years, whilst wandering past my local co-op shop in Salford at the age of 15 and without any planning or forethought i walked in and enquired "got any part time jobs mister" he was desperate for shelf fillers and hired me on the spot...no questions. i recieved about £10 a week which was promptly blown on records and chocolate (and for a short period cigarettes)
it was a spur of the moment casual enquiry that was to shape my life for the next 30 years, whilst wandering past my local co-op shop in Salford at the age of 15 and without any planning or forethought i walked in and enquired "got any part time jobs mister" he was desperate for shelf fillers and hired me on the spot...no questions. i recieved about £10 a week which was promptly blown on records and chocolate (and for a short period cigarettes)