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Royal Mail and postal deliveries

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  • George 1978
    I won some Wallace and Gromit stamps on eBay because I needed some for Christmas cards I will be sending, and it was only last night that I realised that they haven't got the barcode on them - so I spent half an hour on the Royal Mail's telephone line to make sure that I can use them on Christmas card envelopes this year, and I was relived to get the detail "straight from the horse's mouth" that I could use them after all. Getting an official response helped even after listening to half an hour of sub-Classic FM music while I was waiting. I didn't have a stopwatch with me, but I was told to expect to wait 40 minutes for someone to answer - at least it was a local rate number.

    The thing is that the last thing I want a couple of weeks before Christmas is that someone had complained that they had to pay postage at their end because of the stamp used - it happened last year before the barcode deadline took place. I had a right to be cautious this year.

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  • amethyst
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Originally posted by George 1978 View Post
    That has happened a few times - and Mr and Mrs Public wonder why birthday cards (which the postman assumes has an odd tenner inside) has gone missing. There was one of those postmen who had a spare room full of thousands of letters, cards and parcels that would have made Postman Pat

    embarrassed - perhaps you were referring to someone like him?
    That's the one George

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  • George 1978
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    I read somewhere a postman had a stash of mail in his house because he couldn't be bothered to deliver letters
    That has happened a few times - and Mr and Mrs Public wonder why birthday cards (which the postman assumes has an odd tenner inside) has gone missing. There was one of those postmen who had a spare room full of thousands of letters, cards and parcels that would have made Postman Pat embarrassed - perhaps you were referring to someone like him?

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  • George 1978
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Originally posted by tex View Post
    Yes, he continues to push krap through my door when i asked him not to
    You must probably get loads of leaflets along with your regular post, usually midweek. I noticed where I am that they are mostly leaflets for supermarkets, Domino's Pizza and companies like that.

    I obviously don't count hand-delivered items and political stuff close to elections and referendums.

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  • Zincubus
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    I read somewhere a postman had a stash of mail in his house because he couldn't be bothered to deliver letters
    I wonder how they do checks on them

    How would they know if some guy was ‘intercepting’ the more valuable packages ?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • amethyst
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    I read somewhere a postman had a stash of mail in his house because he couldn't be bothered to deliver letters

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  • darren
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Thankfully must post people are fine. Did u report him/her.

    Well over here me personally ive had very few bad experiences never had this one u had mate.

    Originally posted by zincubus View Post
    these delivery guys are taking the pizz nowadays.. I was waiting for a parcel last week and i heard one quick knock and jumped off the sofa got to the front door in seconds ...he’d already put a card through the letter box which was probably the knock i heard and he already had one foot in his van !!!

    Yesterday we got home and saw a card on the floor .. It said parcels in blue bin ( our rather smelly tin / bottle bin ! ) .. Not impressed with having to risk life and limb stretching into it !!

    Sent from my iphone using tapatalk pro

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  • Zincubus
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Originally posted by amethyst View Post
    I have seen some postmen leaving neighbours parcels on doorstep,once going back a few years the postman rang the bell left a package buy the door cause he couldn't be bothered to wait for you to open the door not the regular one either,I mean by doing that anybody could help themselves,we complained to Royal Mail it never happened again
    These delivery guys are taking the pizz nowadays.. I was waiting for a parcel last week and I heard one quick knock and jumped off the sofa got to the front door in seconds ...he’d already put a card through the letter box which was probably the knock I heard and he already had one foot in his van !!!

    Yesterday we got home and saw a card on the floor .. it said parcels in blue bin ( our rather smelly tin / bottle bin ! ) .. not impressed with having to risk life and limb stretching into it !!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

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  • amethyst
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    I have seen some postmen leaving neighbours parcels on doorstep,once going back a few years the postman rang the bell left a package buy the door cause he couldn't be bothered to wait for you to open the door not the regular one either,I mean by doing that anybody could help themselves,we complained to Royal Mail it never happened again

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  • tex
    Re: Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Yes, he continues to push krap through my door when i asked him not to

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  • George 1978
    started a topic Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Royal Mail and postal deliveries

    Most of us get our post delivered to our address six days a week by the postman, even if the Postman Pat stereotype isn't quite the reality of what they do - I have to admit that it is nice to see that my local postman has delivered something even if it a bill or something like that, and in December it is great to receive Christmas cards from friends around the country. After all, the postage is still good value for money, and just before Christmas I ordered a few packs of stamps online which I am still using. I sent something in the post to somewhere in Chesterfield during the weekend between Christmas and New Year, and that seemed to have vanished for some reason.

    Last week I ordered a book online which was a paperback and it had a few hundred pages inside it and received it yesterday - well, I say that "I had received it", although I didn't get to open the Jiffy bag until today. I arrived hours late home because of the snow and Storm Ciera, and I saw a manila A5 envelope sticking out of the letterbox - it was wedged in the hole and I tried to get the damn thing loose but couldn't. As my letterbox is outside, and it was obviously cold, I spend the best part of ten minutes trying to free the item. First thing this morning, I even telephoned my local Housing Association as the letterbox belonged to them, who said that it was a Royal Mail matter which I originally dismissed at first. So I telephoned the good old Royal Mail and was given a reference number.

    Local deliveries in my area happen around midday (it could have something to do with postboxes in the suburbs only having a "first thing in the morning" collection on weekdays, usually no later than 9.30 am), and as well as the suburban area, I also think that are postmen don't want to deliver first thing, probably due to a flexy-time arrangement. Anyway, they came around 12.15 pm - I happened to be on the toilet (never a good time, is it?) when the intercom buzzer went, and I answered it. "Did you know you have got an envelope wedged in your letterbox?" I was asked, and I said that I did know about it, and said to then that I had tried to dislodge it myself a few times yesterday. The postman who did it was a different one yesterday to the one today - they had a letter for me today, so it was a good thing that it got the postman's attention. I unlocked the letterbox and he took a couple of minutes to release the package which he did, and I am thankful for it! Managed to open the package and get the book out.

    Usually, they would press the buzzer and bring the package up with me - when the item if too big for the box or it needs a signature, otherwise they would leave a "something for you" card and I would need to collect from the local Royal Mail Sorting office the next working day, and according to the size of the item, it would have been one of those items to have that treatment. I bet that the snow and the storm has probably made some impact as to why it was delivered like that - at least I needn't have worried about anyone stealing the package even if it was sticking out of the box with the majority inside it - no one would have managed to have got it out of there. I was wondering whether the door would have had to have come off because of it being wedged inside the box. Anyway, no harm was done and I got my item freed at least!

    Has anyone had any "dealings" with Royal Mail or local postmen such as what I have had yesterday? - I have heard of silly postmen putting items "for safe keeping" inside places like recycle bins of all places, which sounds silly but it was even more sillier when it happened to be the day of the week that the recycling collection happens on! I still have good faith with in the Royal Mail and our local postmen - I wouldn't swap them for any other delivery service out there!