This month on doyouremember.co.uk, to celebrate the movie release of everyone’s favourite 80’s cartoon, we are bringing you a series of Smurf related blogs!
I’m sure you all remember the Smurfs, there was a time when they were everywhere and, well, it looks like they’re about to be everywhere again. In fact this month, once the release of the final Harry Potter film has come and gone, it will be the Smurfs theme tune that you’re humming along to while tucking into your Walls Feast!
The Smurf Film comes out on 29th July, at the end of this month, and the hype will be growing every day no doubt. In fact, last week was the Birthday of Peyo (1928-1992), the Belgian creator of the Smurfs comics, and was announced as … “Global Smurfs Day”!!
For Global Smurfs day, London's O2 arena became the O-Blue Arena (get it..?), Taiwan's landmark Red House turned into the Blue House and New York City's South Street Seaport turns into Smurf Street Blueport (bit of a stretch that one).
Adjudicators from Guinness World Records confirmed that a total of 4,891 people turned up at all these locations and more all dressed as Smurfs to beat the previous record of 2,510. People showed up in Ireland, Belgium, Greece, Holland, Mexico, Panama, Poland, Russia, South Africa, USA and UK!
The Independent Newspaper is already calling 2011 the year of the “Smurf Renaissance”, with opinion pieces in magazines asking everything from “Who is the coolest smurf?” to, “how to work your look like Smurfette” and in one health magazine “How to get Smurfit”!
So keep your eyes peeled and next week we’ll be looking at some of the coolest Smurf related buys you can make in the run up to July the 29th
