It said a lot about a person whether they preferred to play with Barbie or Sindy. And it wasn't just about where you lived - Sindy was born and bred in Britain, whereas the more brash Barbie was a through and through American. Sindy hit the toy stand five years after her biggest rival, in 1963, courtesy of Pedigree Dolls & Toys. And while Barbie had already won over most little girls, many a British girl was won over by this new, curvier, fuller-lipped role model. You might even taunt Ken's oh-so chiselled face by saying that Sindy was prettier than Barbie. Palitoy's Tressy and Pippa Dolls were certainly no match back then, and Sindy managed to scoop the top spot as the UK's biggest-selling toy in 1968 and 1970. The original marketing campaign gave a clear idea about who Britain's best-loved toy was: 'Sindy is the free, swinging girl that every little girl longs to be. Sindy has sports clothes, glamour clothes, everyday clothes Â