I loved the cartoons and got the She-ra doll and the Cat-ra doll (her nemesis) for my birthday one year. I couldn't decide which one I most wanted to be. She-Ra had beautiful blonde hair with reddy bits in and a gorgeous gold/pink costume - in fact she reminded me a lot of Princess Aura in the Flash Gordon movie, but Cat-Ra was beautiful too in a Cleopatra kind of way, with long black hair and green eyes. Even now I'm not sure if I want to be a blonde or brunette! She-Ra action figures were classic, my only critisism of them is that they were quite masculine in build! But then they were Princesses of power of course. Also I had the beautiful pink horse that belonged to She-Ra. I wish I still had them now!The rest of team She-Ra were cool: Kowl was like a magic eight ball in that you could ask yes or no questions, lift his belly and see what colour appeared. Green = Yes, Yellow = Maybe, and Red = No. Castaspella came with a fiery holographic disk. When placed on her back, you could spin it so it looked like she was casting spells. Mermista came with a shell that you could fill with water. When placed in her back, you could squeeze the shell which shot water out of MermistaÂ