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Deely Boppers

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  • Deely Boppers

    Deely Boppers were those naff things you put on your head that consisted of a plastic headband with two springy 'antlers' on. Each 'antler' had coloured sparkly balls, bits of fluff or some other kitsch / tacky object on top and the antlers were sprung so that they wobbled about.Apparently they were invented by an American who was inspired by the "Killer Bees" costumes on Saturday Night Live. Being an entrepreneurial sort of fellow, he knocked up his first batch of Deely Boppers in 1981, which his wife named incidentally, and took them to a street fair in Los Angeles where they sold like hot cakes. After selling the idea to the Ace Novelty Co. In Washington, production was ramped up and within a year of the initial launch sales were estimated at 2 million. I don't really know whether Deely Boppers were classed as a fashion accessory or as a toy. In fact I still haven't worked out why anyone would wear them at all but for some reason Deely Boppers were very popular when they first came out and are still worn today by drunken people at parties.


  • #2
    Re: Deely Boppers

    More of my much younger sisters age group......and they had a few sets of them.I found them amusing to look at as they reminded me of one of those cartoon aliens.One of my girlfriends at the time was also mad on them and always wore the things out pubbing and clubbing.She liked the glitter ones for some reason.

