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  • Espadrilles

    A summer shoe with a very strange name. This footwear was a real accessory to any outit in the 80s - and they've just undergone something of a revival, thanks to the likes of fashion designers Michael Kors and Christian Louboutin. The ones you and I most likely bought back in the day were cheap as chips espadrilles from the local market. They were made with a roped sole and a canvas top and sides, which came in an array of colours and patterns. Both men and women wore these shoes - a bit like CKOne if you and your lover had the same size feet (unlikely, I know). Stars like Don Johnson in the 80s show Miami Vice was an espadrille wearer. The down-side to these shoes was water. This meant they were not the thing to wear in a downpour as they became giant sponges. As to foot hygiene, I'm sure you can imagine the nasties harboured by espadrilles. These little suckers also absorbed a lot of sweat, so best chucked then replaced on a regular basis for obvious reasons.As a dedicated follower of fashion myself I had a red pair, a lime green pair and a yellow pair. I would often wear them jauntily with the back folded back in on itself to create a mule type shoe - inventive hey!I can also share that espadrilles would withstand the washing machine and mine were always impeccable!
