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VW Beetle

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  • VW Beetle

    The Beetle is perhaps the best-selling car of all-time. Truly, a recognizable shape that has stood the test of time. The Volkswagen Beetle first came on the scene in 1947, but they were known by a different name. KdF, short for Kraft durch Freude meaning 'power by joy', was designated to these small, gas-friendly vehicles. In English, the name Beetle was used. In 1960s Britain it was a very popular car and hundreds of Beetles were seen on British roads as people used the car for commuting, holidays and general motoring enjoyment. Overall, it must rank as one of the most popular car designs every conceived. Unlike any other car of the period, the VW Beetle had a lot of unofficial sales help along the way which must have made a difference to its appeal and popularity. It was, and will be, forever associated as a hippie car complete with painted flowers and an unusual colour scheme. And then of course, there was


  • #2
    Re: VW Beetle

    I learned to drive in a VW Beetle in the early 80's. I passed my test and haven't driven since. I wonder if that's why? Lol.
    "She moves in such an exciting world!"


    • #3
      Re: VW Beetle

      I had a history teacher who drove an orange one in the late eighties. I remember her saying said you had not lived until you'd owned one.

      I remember her losing one of my essays once, so we all said she was burning essays to fuel the car.

