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  • Popeye

    Does anyone remember the Popeye cartoons that were shown just before the news (or weather forecast) on TV-AM in the 80's? While I didn't like Popeye or the other characters, it had a strange allure that made me watch it nonetheless! I couldn't stand Wimpy, but I liked the Sea Hag purely because she had some accompanying flute music which is still clear in my head 25 years on. I also recall Mike Morris reading out a complaint from someone who objected to Popeye being shown. How he kept a straight face I'll never know! There was also a film made of the cartoon - also named Popeye!


  • #2
    Re: Popeye

    Yes I do remember this being on before the news. Strange really but I suppose it kept the children happy.


    • #3
      Re: Popeye

      Confession time - I can't tell you how much I loved the Robin Williams Popeye movie, honestly I grew up thinking it was one of the greatest things I had ever seen. I don't know what it was about it, I think it was just the fact that someone had deemed it a good idea to make a real-life movie based on Popeye of all things, not to mention with Robin Williams in the lead role. It's pretty strange when you think about it. One of my school mates actually had it on VHS from when it was first released and he swore that his VHS version had a different ending to the regular version. He was probably just winding me up though.

      As for the cartoon, I enjoyed it and even had one of the tapes, I think it was a pirate copy though because the thing would just switch to a blank screen in the middle of some episodes and the cover looked pretty dodgy.

