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Can we include the '60's?

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  • Can we include the '60's?

    ....for us REEEEAAALLLLYY old people, I know a few posts are already here about programs in the 60s already but I'm not sure whether it's allowable or not.
    John (doddering old fool!)

  • #2
    Talk really nice to Dondons, John, & who knows ( I'm a 60s person meself ) ?
    Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!


    • #3
      You're welcome to talk about whatever you want (so long as it's family safe) but I won't be setting up any 60's areas on the website in the near future.
      Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?


      • #4
        Think the 60's should be included, as theres kool stuff from those years a plenty, and most of the threads include or relate to the 60's anyhow.


        • #5
          There's also a site called club nostalgia who are only interested in the 50's and 60's - their ideal members are 50 - 100 years old.


          • #6
            I think we, or this site does cover the 60's to a degree wether we like it or not, as most of maybe of a certian age, but all era's, decades are covered, and the site, and people are kool as can be, long may it continue, and all whom sail with and in her.

            Ladies and gentlemen I give you the good ship DO You Remember!

            Hip hip hooray.


            • #7
              Hi all...

              I was born in 1968 but many of the things I relate to were 'Born' in the 60's or started in the 1960's so im up for that, would be interesting anyhow to get some memories of the members who, let me put this delicately, may be just prancing over the the age of 40...hee hee..go for it 'more mature' members!! lol lol..

              Rab ;0)



              • #8
                Who said being 40+ made you mature ??
                Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!


                • #9
                  Hi Aidan...

                  Hee Hee.. true mate.. im 38 and act 15 90% of the girls are more mature than me..

                  Rab ;0)


                  • #10
                    Well said Aidan, and its truth, 40 its just a number I know and Momma will vouch for this I'm sure, that I'm mentally a teenager or younger, basically a big kid, you think you're memory is great. or is it just that the years have flwon by too quickly, so events and things are still fresh.


                    • #11
                      Re: Can we include the '60's?

                      OK - the definitive answer is that whilst you are free to discuss *anything* on the forum (within reason), I won't be actively supporting or promoting any 60s forums or 60s content on the main site at this present time.

                      Who knows what the future might hold though...
                      Do You Remember the 70s, 80s and 90s?


                      • #12
                        Re: Can we include the '60's?

                        Think we all od a certain generation, well us older one kinda think 60's too.

