I remember in the 90's my family got a computer and we had this whole case of games. There is this one I used to love but I can't remember the name (bet you've heard that a million times lol)...anyway...
the game was an adventure type game and you had to solve puzzles and stuff. it was pretty interactive. i think it had a dragon in it and at the end of the game you have to save all these endangered animals that are on the other side of this trench thing and you have to make bridges to get them across...and you find out that the dragon isnt real and its actually this guy that was killing the animals for thier fur.
throughout the game i remember that you are in a jungle part, and at one time you are helping a spider..and also you are climbing up this mountain thing when you get closer to the end
anyway this is all i can think of for now...hope you can help me think of my beloved game! lol thanks!!

I remember in the 90's my family got a computer and we had this whole case of games. There is this one I used to love but I can't remember the name (bet you've heard that a million times lol)...anyway...
the game was an adventure type game and you had to solve puzzles and stuff. it was pretty interactive. i think it had a dragon in it and at the end of the game you have to save all these endangered animals that are on the other side of this trench thing and you have to make bridges to get them across...and you find out that the dragon isnt real and its actually this guy that was killing the animals for thier fur.
throughout the game i remember that you are in a jungle part, and at one time you are helping a spider..and also you are climbing up this mountain thing when you get closer to the end
anyway this is all i can think of for now...hope you can help me think of my beloved game! lol thanks!!
