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Things you used to play on at the park

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  • #31
    Re: Things you used to play on at the park

    hey paulos
    yes i do remember one of our local parks having that classic style roundabout.
    thats the one i was thinking of mate.

    and yes i sure did play that game lying down picking up sticks.

    can you remember mate the last time you saw his equipment in your park mate?

    thanx for the pics mate.


    • #32
      Re: Things you used to play on at the park

      Originally posted by Trickyvee View Post
      At school we had various concrete things to play on, including a thing we called 'the saddle'. The closest picture I can find to it is below but ours was quite a bit taller and made of thicker concrete. It had holes like the one shown, but two on each side of the front instead of one and then two more smaller holes next to the large holes. I thought it looked like a ghost! Even in those days the saddle was a bridge too far in the safety stakes as we weren't allowed to climb on top of it.

      Ha!, I remember one of those at a school I went to.....I couldn't see the point in it personally.


      • #33
        Re: Things you used to play on at the park

        I remember in the local "half way house" they had concrete rings embedded in the ground, and they could be any thing, Tanks, Bunkers, Houses, Ships, You Name it!!! Somehow, I don't think kids nowadays would have the imagination, sad, but I think, true........


        • #34
          Re: Things you used to play on at the park

          The classic style roundabout pic as posted by Paulos was exactly as I described earlier.


          • #35
            Re: Things you used to play on at the park

            Originally posted by smiles7964 View Post
            Sorry if this has already been talked about. Did anyone have any particularly good or unique things at their local park that they used to play on? Before health and safety really kicked in, my playground at the park was built on concrete and the 'big' slide wasn't caged. All things that used to be there were taken away long ago and a new one built with less exciting things. I'm not sure if caged big slides even exist anymore?! Apart from that we had the old wooden roundabout and rocking horse. There was also a rocking boat that I loved and I think was pretty unique (I never saw one at any other park I went to anyway). It was basically a rocking horse but you sat in it facing opposite ways holding bars. : )
            My local park had one of these boats!! You could either sit inside it or on one of the ends, which had strange little periscope type things on them (painted red/blue) to hold on to. I used to love it, but I think they took it away eventually.


            • #36
              Re: Things you used to play on at the park

              Click image for larger version

Name:	pizap.com10.52224675519391891362308313850.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	90.5 KB
ID:	260294 Happy days playing in the park on these! you should all check out this page on fb lots of memories on there too!


              • #37
                Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                There used to be several climbing frames in our town park.One of which was made in the shape of a tank to replace a real one they had removed years earlier.The original tank was given to the town just after the first war.Both of the climbing frames,especially the very big one which was castle shaped with turrets was removed years ago.Then there was the wooden fort which was fairly big.Long gone.It was made out of old telegraph poles driven into the ground just like those model forts we had as a kid.I can remember running about in this thing with my old cap guns.It even had a look out that you could climb up into which was usually where the big kids used to hang out.It was situated in isolation away from everything else in the park.That went in the 70's due to mis use by glue sniffers.
                I never played on it but used to watch other people sail boats there was the old concrete boating lake/pond.It was always there as a kid but it was eventually left to rot end eventually drained.The site later became a large enclosed duck pond with fountains.Looks a right mess now.

                On the estate I grew up was a small park with big metal roundabout,slide,swings,bars,etc.All gone now and replaced with safety play things.I fell off of the old slide as a kid and done my ankle in.It only had very narrow railings at the top and it was very high or seemed that way.In the summer the metal slide itself used to burn as you slid down it.Happy days.


                • #38
                  Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                  Originally posted by Paulos View Post
                  These pics are not my park but similar to what we use to have.
                  All the classic park equipment has gone now but we use to play on.

                  A classic style roundabout

                  Those of you that had one like this, did you ever lie down on the lower part and play a game where you dropped and picked up sticks?

                  We also had one of those five person rocking horses

                  We also had:
                  A large paddling pool, which in winter we would see if we could walk across the ice on top of it!
                  An old tractor
                  A very high slide, of course set in concrete (none of this H&S nonsense) of which I can remember ambulances coming out to pick up kids who had fallen off it!
                  Of course swings
                  A fort made which concrete blocks
                  Tunnels made with large concrete tubes.

                  It was a great park (and still is).
                  Just gone through my photo archive
                  Here is a long range shot of the park where I live in the 70's you can just make out just how high the slide we had was!
                  The wooden fence is the old outdoor swimming pool.

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	svth266.jpg
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Size:	87.1 KB
ID:	260300

                  Heres also a great pic of me from 1974 showing our old classic style roundabout

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	svfr203.jpg
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Size:	100.2 KB
ID:	260301

                  And another of me 1975 I think at the top of the tall slide

                  Click image for larger version

Name:	svfv382.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.5 KB
ID:	260302
                  Last edited by Paulos; 04-03-2013, 19:32.


                  • #39
                    Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                    Great pics Paulos
                    The only thing to look forward to is the past


                    • #40
                      Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                      Originally posted by retromad View Post
                      [ATTACH=CONFIG]3641[/ATTACH] Happy days playing in the park on these! you should all check out this page on fb lots of memories on there too!
                      I was in a small village in the Borders the other week and spotted one of those horses in a playground (ok yes I had a sneaky go ). Never realised they still existed, not sure if it was a modern version or a genuine vintage.

                      A friend also posted this picture of a giant slide. Can't remember anything as spectacular as this myself but it must have been terrifying!

                      Click image for larger version

Name:	image.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	96.1 KB
ID:	260421
                      1976 Vintage


                      • #41
                        Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                        Swings,roundabout,slides,seasaw.I also liked those boat swings they used to have on beaches in the 60s


                        • #42
                          Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                          Originally posted by themilkman View Post
                          Ha!, I remember one of those at a school I went to.....I couldn't see the point in it personally.
                          It was pretty pointless. Only thing you could do was run through it and it always smelled of wee. Back then the school had no fences and anybody could get into the playground over night. We sometimes went down after hours to whizz around on our bikes. Other kids wee'd inside the saddle!
                          1976 Vintage


                          • #43
                            Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                            Originally posted by victorbrunswick View Post
                            The park next to my old Middle School had a two or three storey slide that looked like a rocketship which is long gone and another park in my area has an old jet fighter plane covered in concrete.
                            Here's what the rocketship looked like:

                            And the fighter jet...


                            • #44
                              Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                              wonderful pics victor we never had anything like that all our slides and swings are gone a very long time back.
                              they replaced the swings and slides with a bowling green.

                              our park was called the pleasure gardens.
                              well actually we had 2 the other was massive it had like a velodrome but outside made of tarmac its sadly long gone.

                              can u remember how long ago it was 15 20 yrs.
                              Last edited by darren; 15-01-2014, 19:47.
                              FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                              • #45
                                Re: Things you used to play on at the park

                                Saltwell Park in Gateshead once had this beauty to play in! I never went there myself but many of my friends remember it. It's a 017 Vickers Viscount for all of you aviation fans. Removed in 1993.

                                There was a near identical 'play plane' at Lambton Leasure Park which I have mentioned in another thread. I did get to play in that one once.
                                Attached Files
                                1976 Vintage

