Posh Kids on posh estates got Raleigh Choppers - BUT I grew up on a middlesbro council estate in the 1970,s - and we never had Chopper money - But we still wanted CHOPPER style , So... as we couldnt afford one , we built our own - and over those red hot summers an entire sub culture of "Rigging up a bike" was born ,,,,, - Firstly you begged stole or borrowed a normal bike , a hand me down Raleigh - Or a secondhand workbike - Or sometimes even one you dragged out the canal - , Then over the next few weeks you got it going , Fix a puncture here - Replace a cable there - and then you started your CUSTOM build !!!! - Firstly the sensible handle bars were binned , in favour of a pair of "Monkey Hangers" or "trackers bars" Monkey hangers where like what they had on Easy Rider and trackers where similar but about three foot wide , Then the "Sensible mud guards where ditched , in order for a small cut down Alloy "Racing mudguards" , Some times we even hand made them from coke cans, or looted chrome ones off an unattended Yammy Fizzy - Next job was to fit a Smaller front wheel - 26 inch rim out back and a 24 up front, this was an easy modification with just one minor set back - you now had no front brake !!! - next came a trip to the local bike shop (DORRELS in North Ormesby ) , where pocket money was spent on ALL of the following items - Bright Red handlebar grips with Multi coloured foot long Tassels on the ends . - Chuck the bell in the bin and replace it with a big chrome "honker" horn You know the kind sea Lions love - with a big black rubber squeeze ball on it - Rear view mirrors , one each side - Then get busy with the Airfix paints or if you where lucky the Rattle cans , the sensible raleigh paint jobs where replaced with , Pink n lime green abominations - with multi coloured electrical tape threaded through the spokes , add a few drinks bottles - a Union Jack elasticated seat cover (looked like a shower cap your granny would wear ) and finish it off with lolly stick spoke revers - We thort we where the bees knees , and you know what - In the glorious summer of 76 ....we were. 
