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The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

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  • The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

    was something my grandparents had for when we came round.

    It was cardboard box with no top, and was decorated like under the sea. You had little plastic fishes inside the box which had little magnets on it, and we each held a plastic fishing rod with another magnet at the end.

    It was great fun lol, LOVED that. Wouldn't last a day in my house now with my kids though lol.
    Then again, it was at my grandparents and you wouldn't dare break anything lol. Had too much respect for them
    Being positive will make you happy.

    99% of your problems will be fixed, so CALM DOWN and breeeaaath

  • #2
    Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

    Sounds nice! I had a building set of interstacking couloured drums which you piled up and on the top lived a little figure of a man (was it a pirate?) Anyway, it was called "Billy and his Barrells"


    • #3
      Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

      For the life of me, I cannot find a picture of Billy and his Barrels.

      Found a pic of mine though
      Click image for larger version

Name:	fish4play1.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	80.3 KB
ID:	259927
      Being positive will make you happy.

      99% of your problems will be fixed, so CALM DOWN and breeeaaath


      • #4
        Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

        Oh Crikey, I reckon I remember it! I would love that now!


        • #5
          Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

          Probably fuzzy felt. I had two sets. Kept me out of trouble for hours.
          1976 Vintage


          • #6
            Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

            I loved fuzzy felt. I played with it for ages too. I had a few different sets. They were great. I'd sit making stories up with them for hours!
            Heaven knows I'm miserable now.


            • #7
              Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

              I have just bought something very similar for my kids and they love it - its just 4 blocks of wood stuck together, magnetic fish and 4 rods, but wow they will play it for ages.
              Simple games are often the best...


              • #8
                Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                Originally posted by ncpcov View Post
                I have just bought something very similar for my kids and they love it - its just 4 blocks of wood stuck together, magnetic fish and 4 rods, but wow they will play it for ages.
                Simple games are often the best...
                it goes to show some toys will keep kids of any generation amused for hrs.
                who is the bigger kids the kidsor the kid who should no longer be a kid.

                Why not give them lego and plasticine.
                they are both so basic but you can make them into so many things and shapes.
                Last edited by darren; 02-09-2011, 00:23.


                • #9
                  Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                  Too right Darren - I always play as well.
                  You know what else they love - Play Dough.
                  Seriously will spend all day with it.

                  Buy expensive toys - doesnt always work out the best - some cheaper toys are timeless...


                  • #10
                    Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                    Originally posted by ncpcov View Post
                    Too right Darren - I always play as well.
                    You know what else they love - Play Dough.
                    Seriously will spend all day with it.

                    Buy expensive toys - doesnt always work out the best - some cheaper toys are timeless...
                    Yes playdough forgot about that.
                    games like snakes and ladders,checkers, ludo very basic biy very good.
                    i could name literally tons of games that where so basic but where they ever addictive.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • #11
                      Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                      Game compendiums with tiddlywinks and snakes and ladders always came out when weather was to bad to play outside also marbles a schoolyard favourite and those cheap multicolored plastic soldiers kept me occupied for hours.


                      • #12
                        Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                        I had that fishing game. I bought my daughter a wooden version in Tchibo last Christmas, it also has whales, walruses and penguins.

                        I think my sister had billy and the barrels, I would love to see a picture to be sure!

                        I had lots of fuzzy felts, the hospital being my favourite. My daughter was 3 yesterday and someone bought her a princess fuzzy felt set (they have gone back to the more original type) she played with it for ages. It also took me ages to push out 400 tiny shapes.


                        • #13
                          Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                          I used to spend hours playing fuzzy felt, blow football and cut-out dress-up paper dolls.
                          'Dreams come true if you want them to'


                          • #14
                            Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                            Originally posted by kazboot View Post
                            I used to spend hours playing fuzzy felt, blow football and cut-out dress-up paper dolls.
                            when where these out kaz.
                            can u describe fuzzy felt to me.
                            i have an idea of what it was about but not sure im right.
                            FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                            • #15
                              Re: The most BASIC but best toy I played with....

                              Click image for larger version

Name:	fuzzy felt.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	6.8 KB
ID:	259989
                              Here you go Darren.
                              Have you never played with this?
                              'Dreams come true if you want them to'

