I started thinking about my old bedroom today and this lead me on to the star wars wallpaper I use to have on the wall, to my great joy I've managed to find a picture of it.

Anyway this lead me on to think about a toy I remember a boy at school having it must of been 81/82 as I was still at primary school.
I remember looking into it and seeing the scene where Luke and Leia swing across a gap inside the death star (on my wallpaper you see luke firing his gun and leia behind him from the same scene)
It was like a flick book but was pretty good tech for it's day, anybody know what it was?

Anyway this lead me on to think about a toy I remember a boy at school having it must of been 81/82 as I was still at primary school.
I remember looking into it and seeing the scene where Luke and Leia swing across a gap inside the death star (on my wallpaper you see luke firing his gun and leia behind him from the same scene)
It was like a flick book but was pretty good tech for it's day, anybody know what it was?