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Does anyone know the name of this toy?

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  • Does anyone know the name of this toy?

    Hi all,new here.Joining and searching toy forums because I've become obsessed with finding the name
    of a toy that I got in the late 70's-early 80's.It was a noise maker to be exact.

    [COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]Description:I remember a blue plastic cane similar to the control stick of a fisherPrice rolling cornball popper.
    On one end was a plastic piece to grip the cane,on the other end was what looked like a yellow plastic(I think) device
    that held what seemed like half a Black rubber ball (I swear it looked like a handball)What you did was insert a
    piece of paper or cardboard in to the device then the ball half was secured on top of the paper,and then you took
    the cane and slammed it on the ground popping the paper and making a loud bang.

    [/COLOR][COLOR=rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961)]If you know the name,please let me know.Thanks. [/COLOR]
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