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Scary Children's Story on Cassette

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  • Flash Gordon
    That sounds cool, I like a good scary story, but although it does sound familiar I can't think what it is. Hopefully someone will know.

    Regarding cassettes, I remember being really scared listening to The Three Investigators: Mystery of Terror Castle!

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  • George 1978
    I know that a lot of those talking book cassette tapes where one followed reading the book while listening to the tape, were red in colour. Christmas 1987 I got a few to try out on the new hi-fi that I also received that year.

    I can't say that it rings any bells with me, but I assume that someone might remember the one that you have just mentioned.

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  • Jacireader2024
    started a topic Scary Children's Story on Cassette

    Scary Children's Story on Cassette

    I do not believe it was a goosebumps story.

    I believe the cassette was red or white, I remember listening to it mid to late 90s.

    Its a story about a kid who looks out his window and sees the neighbor kid get eaten by a monster under his bed.

    When the kid yells for his parent to come see nothing was in the bedroom next door.

    Creepy huh? But I can't remember the title of the story or the cassette and it is kind of driving me bananas.