I say old tat as in little, junk, throwaway items that somehow still lurk in the back of your mind and if you saw them on ebay as 'collectable' you'd probably fork out for.
Even though I've been down this road before (with You'll Die Laughing bubblegum cards and Kellogg's Crater Critter cereal premiums) and found out that, for me, if the items aren't the ones you originally had back then, the feeling of having them again isn't quite the same, there are still a few things I wouldn't be able to help myself with.
I present you with:

The Rat Fink Looker (circa early 70s)
Best known for adorning rings you'd get from gumball machines in the States, Rat Fink was the creation of Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth and was the mascot of all things hot roddy and biker-like.
This bizarre thing was, I remember, tiny (no more than an inch or so). It was a little plastic barrel, divided into two compartments with a cap at each end. Open one end (bearing the legend - 'SMALLEST FINK IN THE WORLD' on the lid) and there was a super tiny plastic Rat Fink inside. Open the other ('BIGGEST FINK IN THE WORLD') and there would be a small mirror showing YOU!
It was just a silly little plastic thing like you'd get in a cracker (or, indeed, a gumball machine) but its memory has stayed with me ever since those days. This is the only pic I could find of it and the only other person I've ever spoken to who knew what it was, was an American vintage gumball dealer who only ever had one and sold it for $50.
Don't know if I could help myself if it ever came up on Ebay.
Even though I've been down this road before (with You'll Die Laughing bubblegum cards and Kellogg's Crater Critter cereal premiums) and found out that, for me, if the items aren't the ones you originally had back then, the feeling of having them again isn't quite the same, there are still a few things I wouldn't be able to help myself with.
I present you with:

The Rat Fink Looker (circa early 70s)
Best known for adorning rings you'd get from gumball machines in the States, Rat Fink was the creation of Ed 'Big Daddy' Roth and was the mascot of all things hot roddy and biker-like.
This bizarre thing was, I remember, tiny (no more than an inch or so). It was a little plastic barrel, divided into two compartments with a cap at each end. Open one end (bearing the legend - 'SMALLEST FINK IN THE WORLD' on the lid) and there was a super tiny plastic Rat Fink inside. Open the other ('BIGGEST FINK IN THE WORLD') and there would be a small mirror showing YOU!
It was just a silly little plastic thing like you'd get in a cracker (or, indeed, a gumball machine) but its memory has stayed with me ever since those days. This is the only pic I could find of it and the only other person I've ever spoken to who knew what it was, was an American vintage gumball dealer who only ever had one and sold it for $50.
Don't know if I could help myself if it ever came up on Ebay.