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crappest toy ever!

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  • crappest toy ever!

    Got this big box from my auntie when was seven, real excited cos looked like a cool birthday prezzie.
    Inside was a ceramic baldie clowns head and a envelope ! ( ??? )

    It turned out you lifted top of his head off ( this was full of holes ) and tipped envelope into this cotton wool ... envelope contained grass seed.

    You put top of his head back on after tipping in some water and waited several weeks.
    Then the 'fun part' , basically you cut off the grass to give him a haircut, wait several weeks, cut his hair, wait several weeks , cut his hair, wait several ......etc, etc, etc

    The play value was zero and I can't imagine why anyone thought this was a good prezzie for a kid!!!

    It was called HAIRCUT CHARLIE and I swifty came to loathe it cos we had to leave it on windowsill in sunshine and I had to fake delight and enthusiasm and ponce about with nail scissors whenever she visited

    Anyone else have an equally dull so-called toy?

  • #2
    Re: crappest toy ever!

    My Aunt gave us Monopoly one Xmas and made us play for what seemed like a week. I vowed I'd never, never, ever, ever play it again (whilst stomping round the house dramatically probably).
    A few years ago my sister-in-law gave us one of those "special edition" ones and in fairness I thought I should give it another go. By the time we'd been round the board twice I was ready to take it outside and set fire to it, bury the remains and dance on it's grave. I vowed never, never, ever, ever to play it again.


    • #3
      Re: crappest toy ever!

      Originally posted by kass View Post
      My Aunt gave us Monopoly one Xmas and made us play for what seemed like a week. I vowed I'd never, never, ever, ever play it again (whilst stomping round the house dramatically probably).
      A few years ago my sister-in-law gave us one of those "special edition" ones and in fairness I thought I should give it another go. By the time we'd been round the board twice I was ready to take it outside and set fire to it, bury the remains and dance on it's grave. I vowed never, never, ever, ever to play it again.
      IM so relieved to see someone else bears the same grudge as i do toward monopoly... I DETEST the game!
      One that comes in second place for me is " Stockmarket"... arghhhh!!!!!!!
      Whoever said nothing is impossible never tried slamming a revolving door!

