FAO Aidan.....please will you explain the rules and aim of hurling. I watch this game avidly when it is on and have only managed to work out that one rule seems to be to inflict maxium physical damage to the opposing team. Th sheer passion these players have for the game is amazing and makes for mind boggling viewing
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My Perfect Dinner Guests Would Be.....
Momma - rules of hurling :
Players CAN :
flick the ball from the ground with the end of the hurley ( which is flat & wide ) ;
catch the ball in mid-air or once flicked up ;
run with the ball on the end of the hurley like egg&spoon ;
hit the ball in mid-air or on the ground.
pick the ball from the ground ;
run with ball in hand for more than five steps ;
throw the ball.
A goal is worth three points.
A point is when the ball is over the crossbar between the posts.
A free-shot from 65 metres is awarded instead of a corner.
Players are amateur & depend on the generosity of fans to send them on a well-deserved holiday in the off-season , i.e. winter.
Into the 5th Millennium & beyond...!
Originally posted by AidanHope Mom&Og's kids become the Henry Shefflins ( top hurling star ) of Brum ! Did ye see the game live or on tv ?
BTW...... our wee man is built like a Prop forward so its going to b Rugger for him when he is older....got his first Rugger ball and England squad Sleepsuit of SantasigpicMrs Oggy~~~*~~~*~~~Count your friends amongst the stars....And your enemies on the fingers of one foot!
OK, here is my list:
Peter Ustinov - No explanation necessary really.
Alexander the Great - Language barriers notwithstanding, he would have some great stories to tell.
Bill Bailey - The guy cracks me up whenever I see him. (also I can ask him how he does the receding thing gracefully, my hair isn't what it used to be)
Orson Welles - he has already been mentioned, but it's my list and I can invite who I like. I'm a bit of a film buff and the man fascinates me.
Catherine the Great - Just to find out if the stories about her were true
Bill Hicks - A comedy Genius taken well before his time
Gregory Peck - I'm studying To Kill a Mockingbird at the moment for an MA and I think he might be able top provide some insight.
Jerome K. Jerome - The man was a top slacker of his day and I need some pointers
Stephen Fry - Can sit there being brainy
My brother Peter - You died just when you were starting to get interesting.
Actually, that has really depressed me, I've just realised that with the exception of Messrs. Bailey and Fry, all of my favourite people are all dead