Its a 90's mystery/adventure/thriller film where a wealthy family (consisting of an old man, woman, big dude and a rotweiler dog) in the suburbs hold captive a young girl.
A young black lad from the neighbourhood breaks into the house to find some wealth to help his family and soon realises the girls situation. He gets caught and thrown into the cellar. A freaky looking guy who is locked down there ends up helping him. They get the girl and start moving around the house inbetween the walls. At one point the big dude lets the rotweiller into the walls to catch them. Later he accidentally kills it by shooting it thinking its the children.
My descriptions all a little mumbo jumbo but hope it helps.
A young black lad from the neighbourhood breaks into the house to find some wealth to help his family and soon realises the girls situation. He gets caught and thrown into the cellar. A freaky looking guy who is locked down there ends up helping him. They get the girl and start moving around the house inbetween the walls. At one point the big dude lets the rotweiller into the walls to catch them. Later he accidentally kills it by shooting it thinking its the children.
My descriptions all a little mumbo jumbo but hope it helps.