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TV play about WW2 US and German soldier reenactors.

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  • TV play about WW2 US and German soldier reenactors.

    I think this was from the eighties, on the BBC. Some of the things I remember: German Kubelwagen in the back of a van, a character changing into US uniform at a service station, the butcher portraying an American officer offering one of the soldiers a pork chop, a K-ration tin of peaches, a real German girl tourist, one of the GIs being told that his uniform was perfect except for the Korean period Parka,and near the end of the play, after a blank round was fired, one of the reenactors imagined that he was shot.

    I remember the content quite well but not the title. Any help will be gratefully received, as its a right nagger. Cheers, Colin.

  • #2
    Re: TV play about WW2 US and German soldier reenactors.

    I'd like to find out about that movie too -- it does sound familiar. I seem to recall coming across it in a video shop some years ago but didn't think to pick it up at the time.

