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Doctor Who!

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  • #61
    Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

    Originally posted by shilton dipper View Post

    he didn't?...........then which one did?................was it Tom Baker?
    Yes. Though technically, you could also say Sylvester McCoy (his was less memorable, though).


    • #62
      Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

      Nation was overrated. Shrewd businessman though. That I'll contend with. I remember McCoy's scarf. Delgado was okay but it became boring and annoying all the storied with UNIT, mainly on Earth (always in the UK!) but there were some memorable ones off planet featuring the Daleks and Giant Spiders! Pertwee's Dr did have some nice Jason King style clothing though. I liked his final story outfit a lot.

      I wish they'd do a story post a new regeneration that finally explains why the Doctor dresses in a completely different manner from the previous...maybe a throwaway quip like 'I take what I find' or 'I dunno...its things that flash through my mind as it happens (regenerating) - last time it was bow ties..!'

      As for Delgado's Master, well for me he was over - exposed. I really liked the Master when we saw him in The Deadly Assassin. He was crueler, desperate and disgusting to look at clingling to life...His tardis was stupid. I always wondered how you'd 'open the door and get inside' a Grandfather Clock disguise....and the Computer one was odd too. With the Doctors at least its 'in scale' i.e. a normal sized person can open the front door and go inside...Maybe The Master should have one that looks like a shed...Or better yet, a glass green house. It could even look like it has plants inside via the translucent glass...but once inside its his tardis...

      I remember McCoys scarves too - silk ones.


      • #63
        Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

        The Master's TARDIS was disguised as a barn in The Trial of a Time Lord...


        • #64
          Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

          Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
          No, Nation's family still get royalties. Just because they've been redesigned doesn't mean a thing. His legal savvy was such it basically means if it says 'Dalek' or you want to use the likeness - his family get big bucks. The 'new' Daleks are still Daleks. Nation Family win.
          going bu that im surprised they are used as much as they are.
          although u cannot have dr who without daleks.


          • #65
            Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

            Originally posted by sf1378 View Post
            Nation was overrated. Shrewd businessman though. That I'll contend with. I remember McCoy's scarf. Delgado was okay but it became boring and annoying all the storied with UNIT, mainly on Earth (always in the UK!) but there were some memorable ones off planet featuring the Daleks and Giant Spiders! Pertwee's Dr did have some nice Jason King style clothing though. I liked his final story outfit a lot.

            I wish they'd do a story post a new regeneration that finally explains why the Doctor dresses in a completely different manner from the previous...maybe a throwaway quip like 'I take what I find' or 'I dunno...its things that flash through my mind as it happens (regenerating) - last time it was bow ties..!'

            As for Delgado's Master, well for me he was over - exposed. I really liked the Master when we saw him in The Deadly Assassin. He was crueler, desperate and disgusting to look at clingling to life...His tardis was stupid. I always wondered how you'd 'open the door and get inside' a Grandfather Clock disguise....and the Computer one was odd too. With the Doctors at least its 'in scale' i.e. a normal sized person can open the front door and go inside...Maybe The Master should have one that looks like a shed...Or better yet, a glass green house. It could even look like it has plants inside via the translucent glass...but once inside its his tardis...

            I remember McCoys scarves too - silk ones.
            i felt roger was the best master.
            but he was in near every 2nd story in pertwees era.
            perhaps thats why he was used less from then on.

            although he was in two peter davison stories one being planet of fire where we see peri for the first time.


            • #66
              Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

              Originally posted by darren View Post
              i felt roger was the best master.
              but he was in near every 2nd story in pertwees era.
              perhaps thats why he was used less from then on.

              although he was in two peter davison stories one being planet of fire where we see peri for the first time.
              The Master was actually in only eight out of 24 Pertwee stories, five of them in one season. But he fought Peter Davison not twice but five times: Castrovalva, Time Flight, The King's Demons, The Five Doctors and Planet of Fire. By that time though, he was played by Anthony Ainley; Roger Delgado died in 1973. Ainley's Master also contested with Tom Baker, Colin baker (twice) and Sylvester McCoy. Geoffrey Beevers and Peter Pratt both played the Master during the Tom Baker era, too.


              • #67
                Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                Originally posted by tony ingram View Post
                The Master was actually in only eight out of 24 Pertwee stories, five of them in one season. But he fought Peter Davison not twice but five times: Castrovalva, Time Flight, The King's Demons, The Five Doctors and Planet of Fire. By that time though, he was played by Anthony Ainley; Roger Delgado died in 1973. Ainley's Master also contested with Tom Baker, Colin baker (twice) and Sylvester McCoy. Geoffrey Beevers and Peter Pratt both played the Master during the Tom Baker era, too.
                thats why it seemed the master was in so many pertwee stories as five of them where in the same season and ive seen that whole season.
                never realised roger died so long ago.

                forgot the master was in so many of peter davisons stories i have seen all those the master was in in davisons era other than the five doctors.


                • #68
                  Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                  checking the dr who website i have found the master appeared in 20 stories.
                  thats not counting his appearance with david tennant.


                  • #69
                    Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                    just heard the rutans will be back in the gunpowder plot.
                    the last time we seen them was in horror of fang rock in 1977/78 with tom baker.
                    Rutans can adopt many different forms but in their natural state possess a greenish jelly-fish quality.
                    they are swoen enemies of the sontarans.
                    FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                    • #70
                      Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                      Its world best sci-fi tv series. You can watch this show online for free through this source Download Doctor Who Episodes Free


                      • #71
                        Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                        Originally posted by darren View Post
                        checking the dr who website i have found the master appeared in 20 stories.
                        thats not counting his appearance with david tennant.
                        Two appearances with David Tennant, bringing his running total of televised stories up to 22. The strange thing is, if Roger Delgado haden't died when he did, the Master would never have outlived him as he has; at the time of Delgado's death, they were planning a 'final' Master story in which he'd have died saving the Doctor!


                        • #72
                          Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                          Originally posted by tony ingram View Post
                          Two appearances with David Tennant, bringing his running total of televised stories up to 22. The strange thing is, if Roger Delgado haden't died when he did, the Master would never have outlived him as he has; at the time of Delgado's death, they were planning a 'final' Master story in which he'd have died saving the Doctor!
                          the master saving the dr that would have been good.
                          but if that episode had happened they could have reincarnated him as he is a timelord all be it a bad one.
                          FOR THE HONOUR OF GRAYSKULL


                          • #73
                            Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                            Originally posted by darren View Post
                            the master saving the dr that would have been good.
                            but if that episode had happened they could have reincarnated him as he is a timelord all be it a bad one.
                            I don't think they were thinking in those terms at the time. Delgado asked to be written out basically because he was a semi-regular getting one or two stories a year but casting directors assumed he was under permanent contract to Doctor Who and so weren't offering him other work. I guess Barry Letts assumed any actor taking the role would have the same problem.


                            • #74
                              Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                              Sounded naff to me. lol.


                              • #75
                                Re: Doctor Who is 48 Today!

                                How wonderful that not long after its birthday, two missing episodes have been discovered. News on the net says that a lost Hartnell and a lost Troughton episode have surfaced.

