Anyone just see that ITV 1 prog about Noele Gordon off Crossroads?
She was a 'fine bit of skirt' when she was young - qwar!!!
However, she did come across as a bit of a prima - donna, especially how she treated Tony Adams (Adam Chance in the show) in real life treating him as her manservant!
I wouldn't half be surprised if the bosses at ATV were simply fed up of her ego and booted her off - they may say it was because new production staff wanted to make the show less soap and more drama but you only have to see what happened to Hughie Greene to wonder about Noele's sacking...I also heard she was quite a predatory woman toward the younger, prettier female members of the crew - but that could just be rumours...and no I'm not insulting her if she was a closet lesbian.
![Big Grin](