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The Phoenix cartoon?

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  • The Phoenix cartoon?

    My parents used to bore me about a cartoon about a Phoenix and when it ended and he flew away my sister cried for days....does anyone else remember this cartoon? Got a link for background info about it? It was on in the mid 1970s, when they lived in Leamington Spa, Boris The Bold, and Barbapappa would have been on around the same period as well as all the other classics like Bagpuss, Paddington Bear, Bod, Mr Ben etc, etc...just curious to now know what they were on about....

  • #2
    Re: The Phoenix cartoon?

    I think that may have been " The Phoenix and the Carpet" form about 1976. Although this wasnt a cartoon it was live animation.
    When I Was Good No One Remembered, When I Was Bad No One Forgot


    • #3
      Re: The Phoenix cartoon?

      I think you may be right CitizenKeyne....cheers. Unless anyone else can elaborate further? Even just seeing the Phoenix for the first time in that clip I instantly liked him so can see why my parents and sister would have loved him too - we always did have a soft spot for plush toys, animals and animated animals like this or Bagpuss or the Clangers etc....


      • #4
        Re: The Phoenix cartoon?

        The phoenix and the carpet.Have fond memories of this program and was myself sad when it ended.I have a feeling that it did not fly away in the end.I have a feeling the egg simply reformed around the phoenix like moltern wax and flames right at the end.Perhaps I have jogged someones memory and they can elaborate on it for me.

