Wondering if anyone else remembers a particular symbol that a channel showed early morning before the programmes started. Think it could have been bbc2, I could be totally wrong. It was a very basic computerised picture of a tv in a living room, in about 4 colours. I remember getting up very early one Saturday and seeing this on the screen, I thought it was cool because it looked like a computer game-so much so that I got a box, drew buttons on it in felt tip and sat there pretending to play a game-how sad! This was before my household got a games console! It would've been mid-late 80's : )
Wondering if anyone else remembers a particular symbol that a channel showed early morning before the programmes started. Think it could have been bbc2, I could be totally wrong. It was a very basic computerised picture of a tv in a living room, in about 4 colours. I remember getting up very early one Saturday and seeing this on the screen, I thought it was cool because it looked like a computer game-so much so that I got a box, drew buttons on it in felt tip and sat there pretending to play a game-how sad! This was before my household got a games console! It would've been mid-late 80's : )